Britney Spears Plastic Surgery

Britney Spears plastic surgery process is quite successful and thus, the famous artist takes on a very different identity. Britney Spears’ hard abs result from hard workouts in the gym. But her small nose and full lips are definitely not mother nature’s virtues. When comparing the photos of yesterday and today, Britney Spears definitely got more symmetrical eyes, a thin nose and full lips with plastic surgery.

The retouching isn’t that obvious to the naked eye because everything from the famous artist looks natural. The famous star, whatever she did, looks really high-quality. There was always a slight asymmetry between Britney’s eyes. This has gotten better in the latest photos. Her lips also look fuller, and her nose is a little thinner. The famous singer admitted that she used a few needles for her lips in the past years, but she said that she didn’t have plastic surgery. We will take a detailed look at Britney Spears plastic surgery journey together.

The dark years and sad ups and downs that plagued the Pop Princess’s life are now a bad memory. Today Britney Spears is coming out again in great shape: Her aesthetic physique and harmonious face are again among her winning weapons. While the secret to a fit body is to work hard and do a lot of physical exercises, there also seems to be some touch up on the harmony of the face.

Who is Britney Spears?

Britney Spears is one of the most important teen idols of all time. Now a true queen, the former pop princess continues to be loved by millions of fans.

Britney was born under the sign of Sagittarius on December 2, 1981, in McComb, Mississippi. Britney Jean Spears has become a true icon of music and pop culture in her tumultuous nearly two decades career. She is one of the most successful female artists in history, with sales of more than 200 million records.

She may not be a clear and natural talents like Christina Aguilera or Beyoncé. But with Britney, she truly revolutionised the world of pop culture, leading to the rebirth of teen pop that laid the groundwork in the late nineties.

Unlike other shy stars, Spears has been at the centre of musical gossip since she was young. The most talked-about love story was with singer Justin Timberlake, which started in 1999 and ended in 2002. Britney married childhood friend Jason Allen Alexander 2003 in Las Vegas on January 3, 2004. She cancelled the wedding after 55 hours because the singer suddenly admitted that she unconsciously decided to marry.

A month after the wedding, Britney announced her engagement to a reality show dancer, Kevin Federline. They married on September 18 and soon had two children. Spears filed for divorce two months after the birth of her second child, and this case became official.

Britney Spears’s New Plastic Surgery Process

Britney Spears only accepted the filling and rejected all other changes. However, her fans believe that she has many plastic surgery procedures on her body, especially her breast, lip and nose. Many fans and experts think Britney’s looks are sometimes very different, especially on social media. Now let’s explore Britney Spears plastic surgery journey together;

  • Nose Job: Britney Spears’ nose is different in old and new photos. Some famous surgeons say that the artist performed operations on her nose. The artist’s face has now become much more striking. Britney hasn’t confirmed that she had Rhinoplasty surgery, but she probably went through with it.
  • Lip : Britney Spears admitted that she had a lip filling a few years ago in an interview with a famous magazine. This procedure is among the most demanded procedures for volume increase and facial aesthetics. The results obtained with absorbable fillers are very effective.

Along with all this, Britney Spears is also planning different plastic surgeries. After the birth of her two sons and her stay in an addiction clinic, she wants to be even more attractive again. According to her fans, Britney Spears visited a beauty clinic in Las Vegas twice to prepare for cosmetic surgery.

The singer plans to have a breast lift, Rhinoplasty, and skin tightening on the upper arm, chin and neck. She is also a plastic surgeon who should perform liposuction on the hips, thighs and waist area. Other planned plastic surgeries include tummy tuck and spider vein removal.

Plastic surgeons point out that the body needs time to heal after cosmetic surgery, especially after liposuction and tummy tuck surgeries. Performing many such aesthetic operations in a short time should be discussed very carefully with the plastic surgeon and reviewed if necessary.

In our related article, information about Britney Spears plastic surgery is given, and you can take a look at our other content such as weight loss and breast lift.

Losing & Gaining Weight After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

The form and proportions of a person’s butt are mostly controlled by their skeletal and muscular structure, as well as the body’s proclivity for fat storage. Even while a nutritious diet and a physically active lifestyle may make a person satisfied with their physique, most women are unhappy with their “flat” butt. Plastic operations are frequently used to address this issue. And the Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, is a technique for achieving the ideal butt shape.

A Brazilian butt lift, in addition to butt implants, is a popular operation for improving the appearance of the butt. A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic operation that involves gathering body fat from various regions of the body and transferring it into the buttocks to obtain the desired appearance. Liposuction and fat grafting are the two main methods used in the Brazilian butt lift.

One of the most asked questions about BBL surgery is ‘’Does weight gain/loss affect the results of the BBL surgery?’’. Changes in weight have a potential of having an impact on the results after a BBL surgery, there may occur various scenarios due to gaining or losing weight after a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. In this article, we will be informing you about these scenarios, and things you should pay attention for the best scenario.

How Does Brazilian Butt Lift Fat Transfer Work?

A Brazilian butt lift, commonly known as a BBL, is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes your fat to improve the form and size of your buttocks. Unwanted fat cells might offer your bottom a boost, which may sound strange. Liposuction will be used to remove undesirable fatty tissue from common locations such as the hips, flanks, thighs, and stomach. It goes through a purification procedure after liposuction to ensure that only healthy fat remains. It is then carefully put back into the buttocks of a patient to increase volume and form.

As the fat that is grafted into the buttocks is organic and from the same body, the fat adapts to the are very fast. However, since the patient’s own fat is used, instead of implants, the results of the surgery are inevitably affected by changes in the body, such as weight gain or loss. 

Losing Weight After Brazilian Butt Lift

“Will my BBL results alter if I lose or gain weight?” is a typical question. Most cosmetic surgeons would advise you to be near to your desired body weight before having a Brazilian butt lift, but they also realize that some women’s weight fluctuates naturally. You won’t observe any unfavorable changes in your butt if you lose a tiny amount of weight following a Brazilian butt lift. Instead, the thinner you get, the more you’ll be able to flaunt your curves in new and intriguing ways, amplifying the benefits of your newly sculpted bottom.

However, because transplanted fat cells are fragile, it is typically suggested that patients maintain a steady, healthy body weight and do not diet soon after surgery. The transplanted fat cells will require 3–6 months to develop permanence and a sufficient supply. Patients should be aware that transplanted fat will behave similarly to other fatty tissue in the body before opting for this cosmetic operation. When a person loses weight, the volume of their buttocks decreases, which might impair their BBL outcomes. Maintain the same weight subsequently to keep the results.

There’s a reason why cosmetic surgeons advise waiting until you’re close to your goal weight before getting a Brazilian butt lift. That’s because if you lose a substantial amount of weight following a fat transfer to the buttocks, you may lose weight and volume in your buttocks as well. Furthermore, losing a considerable amount of weight alters your body’s general look, which will alter the new contours you’ve achieved with your butt lift procedure’s liposuction and fat transfer.

Gaining Weight After Brazilian Butt Lift

It’s normal for folks to have stubborn fat in their love handles, waist, or other regions that they’d like to get rid of. Subcutaneous fat localized in body areas such as the belly, hips, thighs, or upper arms is one kind of fat targeted with liposuction during a Brazilian butt lift. When patients gain or lose a lot of weight, it can have a big impact on BBL outcomes and even the donor areas of fat transfers. The transplanted fat from donor locations behaves similarly in the buttocks, so it will expand and contract in response to changes in the body’s metabolism and weight. Minor weight reduction or increase has little effect on the volume or form of BBL outcomes. However, because substantial weight changes can occur following surgery, it is typically suggested that patients maintain their target body weight.

The general contour and structure of your buttocks will not alter much if you acquire weight gradually. If you gain a lot of weight quickly, though, you should talk to your doctor to make sure your Brazilian Butt Lift results stay the same. You may notice a change in the form of your buttocks depending on the rate and amount of your weight gain.
When patients try to gain weight in places that have had liposuction, the scarring that occurs in such areas prevents them from growing as much as other areas that have not had liposuction. However, once the fat has vascularized, or vessels have developed into the fat cells, the buttocks that have had fat transfer will frequently increase following a BBL operation. When a result, as you acquire weight, your butt gets larger. The buttocks will shrink as a result of weight loss. However, the fat cells have not perished; they have simply shrunk in size. This is a reversible modification for the buttock. The fat cells get normal signals from the body after the arteries have formed into those fat cells. When the body adds weight, the volume of the buttocks grows. When the body loses weight, the volume of the buttocks decreases. That’s the difference between the influence of weight on liposuction and fat transfer for a BBL.

Full Mouth Dental Implants And Costs In Turkey

Full Mouth Dental Implants And Costs In Turkey

Full Mouth Dental Implants And Costs In Turkey

Adult tooth loss, contrary to popular opinion, is quite frequent, especially as we become older. Indeed, about 350 million people worldwide are missing all of their upper and/or lower teeth. Many people are choosing for whole mouth dental implant treatment rather than enduring with the discomfort and difficulties of dentures.

When you have lost teeth, full-mouth dental implants can help restore your smile and avoid issues speaking or chewing. Implants can help you achieve better dental health. They are one of the most effective ways to replace lost natural teeth. These implants are made to replace all or most of your teeth that have been lost due to decay or injury. These implants will provide you with new teeth that are as natural-looking as feasible. Tooth implants have a high success rate and can last a lifetime if properly cared for. Furthermore, tooth implant insertion is one of the most effective replacement options for losing natural teeth.

In this article, we will be discussing the procedure and its benefits, as well as its cost and appliance in Turkey.

What Is A Full Mouth Dental Implant?

To completely comprehend this method of tooth replacement, you must first comprehend what a dental implant is. An implant is a thin titanium screw that replaces the root of a lost tooth by inserting it into your jawbone. The implants must be inserted through minor surgery. A crown is affixed to the implant after it has been placed, giving you an extremely realistic-looking and functioning artificial tooth.

Dental implants are a type of tooth replacement that may be used to replace lost teeth. Single dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth. Full mouth dental implants, on the other hand, are designed to replace all or most of your teeth. When you need to replace lost teeth so that you can talk and eat comfortably and improve your smile, these implants are a great option to dentures.

 You do not require a dental implant for every single lost tooth. To restore your entire grin, all you need are four implants on the top of your mouth and four on the bottom. The whole arch’s beauty is in its simplicity. Because the implant is comprised of titanium, it has the unique ability to bond with live bone and operate as if it were a natural part of the body. As a result, the dental implant ultimately integrates into the jawbone, providing a solid, long-lasting basis for your new teeth.

This bone fusion can also help to prevent future jaw bone loss. This contributes to a more youthful face shape as well as greater oral health. The most surprising aspect of the full arch is how rapidly it may change your life.

Full Mouth Dental Implants Advantages

Full mouth dental implants provide significant advantages over traditional dentures and alternative tooth replacement methods. Clinic Excellent: Full mouth dental implants are meant to endure a long time in addition to looking and performing like natural teeth. They’re also more comfortable and sturdy than traditional dentures, allowing you to chew and bite normally and enjoy items that are difficult to eat with traditional dentures.

Furthermore, when whole mouth dental implants replace some of your tooth roots, your bone will be kept more effectively. The bone that once encased the tooth roots will begin to degrade with traditional dentures. The jawbone will recede, resulting in a crumpled, unsightly grin. Dental implants, on the other hand, fuse with your jawbone, helping to preserve bone health and your natural smile.

Another significant benefit is that full mouth dental implants do not necessitate the time-consuming upkeep associated with traditional dentures, which must be removed, cleaned, and soaked overnight after each meal. Dental implants, on the other hand, just require the same daily brushing and flossing practices as are prescribed for natural teeth.

Full mouth dental implants also prevent the remaining natural teeth from moving and producing bite difficulties, as well as saving wear and strain on neighboring teeth that would otherwise need to be trimmed for a bridge or denture that does not have a root to connect to. When normal teeth are used to support the bite pressure of an artificial denture or bridge, the natural teeth become weakened.

The titanium dental implant’s strength comes from the bone and gum tissue that grows around it. Implants do not require the same level of maintenance as dentures or bridges. A complete mouth dental implant can last up to 30 years with excellent oral hygiene, much like natural teeth.

One of the most common complaints about tooth loss or dentures is that individuals have to change their diets either their bite is less efficient or because their dentures don’t stay in place well enough to allow them to consume items like apples or steak. Most patients are able to eat and drink normally once their full mouth dental implants have stabilized.

Dental implants are simple to care for since they require the same daily brushing and flossing as natural teeth, as well as regular dental check-ups and hygienist sessions. Many individuals believe that because their implants are not comprised of biological materials, they do not require cleaning, but this is not the case. Dental implants, like natural teeth, can attract plaque and tartar, gum disease, and infections if not properly cared for.

Full Mouth Dental Implants At Clinic Excellent

Turkey is the center of the medical procedures in both Europe and the Middle-East highly due to its quality service and competitive pricing ability. With millions of patients travelling to Turkey for medical procedures every year, the sector greatly expands and the quality service goes even upper yearly. At Clinic Excellent, we offer various operations in cosmetic health field with the most competitive prices out there.

How Much Do Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost?

At Clinic Excellent (in Istanbul, Turkey), full mouth dental implants normally cost approximately $xxxxx . The cost of the operation varies depending on a few factors. You may contact us right now to arrange for your full mouth dental implants procedure.

Full Mouth Dental Implants And Costs In Turkey

What is the BBL Effect?

What is the BBL Effect

The BBL effect is long-lasting and, in some cases, even permanent. BBL is a procedure that allows you to reshape your hip using the fat from other body parts. An added advantage is that this procedure improves fat deposition in areas of the body sampling sites. Thus, the BBL effect is longer lasting, allows you to shape and refine your silhouette more.

It’s a bi-zonal intervention, as it gives an attractive and sensual silhouette reminiscent of the famous Brazilian bodies, primarily known for the breathtaking curves of high, firm and toned hips. Specifically, our surgeon can liposuction your classic abdomen, arms and back to define your upper body well and highlight your waist. It purifies the fat that the specialist will take from you with liposuction, from your body fluids by centrifugation technique. The doctor then places them on your new target area, the hip.

So this technique allows you to redefine your hips, create a visual push-up effect and lift the area. In addition, this procedure is fully compatible with both male and female bodies.

Finally, with the BBL effect, you can sometimes say goodbye to flat buttocks without the help of artificial silicone implants. Since BBL is autologous fat, it’s the procedure that most of us expect without fear of introducing a foreign body (prosthesis) into the body.

BBL Turkey

When we say BBL, Turkey is probably the first country that comes to mind for many people. With BBL Turkey, you can have a perfect hip and increase your self-confidence. You can also save money with BBL surgery Turkey. This procedure is a reliable and precise technique that combines different actions such as liposuction, and implant placement, which require excellent proficiency. In addition, the surgeon must be able to draw a perfect curvature for your flat and saggy hips, give volume, rounded and symmetrical curves, thus increasing the B-side and at the same time eliminating fat deposits.

BBL surgery Turkey, which is a part of plastic surgery, is the process of transferring fat from a part of the body into the buttock. For a more voluminous look and Brazilian butt that makes you more attractive and sexy, our doctor removes excess fat from your hips, abdomen, waist or thighs with liposuction. So, the doctor strategically transfers some of this fat into your buttocks.

How Does BBL Work?

During the Brazilian Butt Lift Turkey procedure, our specialist will perform liposuction on the relevant areas if you have excess fat resistant to diet and sports. Our surgeon needs hard fat to ensure that your fat transfer stays in place after it’s done and doesn’t quickly disappear, even when you lose weight.

For this, the surgeon then purifies the fat. The doctor uses pure fat for this procedure using a specially designed device. Our specialist then transfers this special fat into your hips to create shapes that blend in with the rest of the silhouette and model the hips. Thus, the donor area where you will remove your fat during liposuction and your hip area will heal simultaneously.

However, you should know that 30% to 50% of the transferred fat during lipo filling is reabsorbed by your body, and your body naturally expels them. Sometimes you may even need a few sessions to achieve your desired result.

Some Tips for BBL in Turkey

We invite you to seek an experienced and accredited surgeon for BBL Turkey. An experienced surgeon will know how much of the volume of fat to transfer into you and will perfectly master the BBL technique to avoid unnecessary risks. It would be best if you also made a careful choice for Brazilian butt lift Turkey.

For example, Clinic Excellent is equipped with a scanner to monitor a possible pulmonary embolism during BBL surgery Turkey and keeps it under observation throughout the entire procedure for quick treatment in case of any complications. Thus, you will have peace of mind during the process, and you can have BBL surgery Turkey safely.

Why Choose BBL?

The shape and proportions of the female anatomy are primarily determined by genetics: The condition of the skeleton and the way fat is distributed and stored affect the appearance of the pelvis and hips. A healthy diet and regular exercise help maintain ideal weight and tight muscles. But some women, especially in their thirties, are dissatisfied with their flat backs that lack voluptuous shapes.

BBL allows you to emphasize the curves of the lower back and reduce pockets of fat in the upper thighs, around the hips and in the lower abdomen. It balances the upper and lower parts of the silhouette, gives hourglass-like youthful support to the small of the back and gives it a flattering look when worn.

BBL, which usually requires general anaesthesia, is a relatively heavy, expensive procedure in many countries and irreversible. However, with BBL Turkey, you will encounter very affordable costs, and our surgeons are experienced and experts in their fields.

For detailed information, visit the page!

Best Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgeon Turkey

Best Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgeon Turkey

The best ethnic Rhinoplasty surgeon can give you a perfect nose. Read on to find the best ethnic Rhinoplasty surgeon Turkey for you too!

Many people who suffer from nosebleeds worldwide often ask themselves which surgeon is the best when solving a problem that affects their self-esteem and confidence in different aspects of life. This is a fair question, given the number of clinics worldwide offering all types of treatments and surgeons specializing in ethnic Rhinoplasty Turkey and aware of the massive demand for these services.

So, although it’s almost impossible for the best ethnic rhinoplasty surgeon Turkey to answer definitively, we can find the correct answer by gradually posing some of the fundamental questions that should be. Here are practical recommendations for you to find the best ethnic Rhinoplasty surgeon!

How Do You Choose the Best Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgeon Turkey?

The first thing you need to understand here is that the best surgeon doesn’t exist. No celebrity or plastic surgeon is the best at all surgeries. Of course, there are many different famous surgeons in Turkey, but each one has a different approach to specialization or patient type.

There is no pre-selection you can make to find the best ethnic Rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey. However, there are several evaluations you can make calmly before surgery. Here are the methods by which you can choose the best surgeon for ethnic Rhinoplasty Turkey:

Check Surgeon’s Credentials and Experience

Experience and expertise are the most critical factors in finding the best surgeon for ethnic Rhinoplasty Turkey. Generally, it takes at least ten years for a surgeon to accumulate enough surgeries to perform, such as to develop a complete mastery of these cases. Therefore, it’s essential that the surgeon of your choice has the experience and has performed hundreds of similar procedures. A physician lacking this combination of academic and surgical experience is unlikely to guarantee the desired outcome.

In addition, a surgeon should always and only work in accredited and equipped hospitals or private clinics that can respond to medical emergencies. The presence of a highly specialized medical team and an anesthesiologist is essential to ensure the safety of all patients who decide on cosmetic surgical operations such as ethnic Rhinoplasty.

Don’t Choose According to the Cost

Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgeon Turkey

There are many situations in each of us where it’s right to focus on costs and try to save money. However, we would like to underline that health and safety aren’t among these situations. A low price is very likely to reflect common standards, and you may not find yourself getting the results you want.

Seeing your image worse after an operation inevitably leads to disappointment and sadness. It also causes you to need a new and more expensive intervention to correct the mistakes. This procedure is a valid form of surgery, and the cheapest surgery is the one done right the first time.

Highly discounted prices may also mean that the surgeon performs a procedure at a non-accredited facility that doesn’t have support staff. In addition, in many cases, a price that is too good to be genuinely offered to attract attention can hide the extra costs that you must add to the total.

Ask the Right Questions During the Consultation

Before your visit, you should prepare a list of questions you want to ask the surgeon about ethnic Rhinoplasty Turkey. Also, always remember to ask about your doctor’s credentials, experience, and precautions to ensure their patients’ safety. Viewing before and after photos can also be very important. It can give an idea of ​​how many surgeries a particular surgeon has performed and the type of results they have achieved overall.

Likewise, you need to pay attention to the doctor’s types of questions. Every surgeon should always be willing to devote time to their patients to evaluate the specific case and provide a customized solution. Every aspect of the operation must be well explained, from the type of expected outcome to the limits beyond which an intervention cannot go.

Don’t Trust Before and After Photos

Many of the online photos claiming to show before and after ethnic Rhinoplasty Turkey results are often artfully edited to grab people’s attention. Therefore, the risks of not being real are very high. Of course, nowadays, having a good website is also essential for collecting testimonies from people who have had previous surgery, thus confirming patient satisfaction.

However, it’s essential to note that you cannot deduce a surgeon’s skill and aesthetic taste from a photograph or the internet. Word of mouth communication is still significant. For example, dealing with people who have had surgery before can help clear some doubts, especially the trusting relationship between the surgeon and the patient.

For detailed information, visit the page!

When Does Tightness Go Away After Breast Augmentation?

When Does Tightness Go Away After Breast Augmentation?

‘Breast augmentation Turkey’ has become a trend lately. However, there may be some concerns after breast augmentation surgery Turkey. One of these concerns is the problem of tightness. Keep reading for details!

It’s perfectly normal to have tightness after breast augmentation. It takes about two to three weeks for the tightness to ease and your breasts to reach their final size. Bruising and numbness may also occur after breast augmentation. If you have received an implant, this may be more or less palpable. The body needs to get used to the foreign body. Of course, mild pain is also a part of it, but it’s getting less and less every day.

After breast augmentation, tightness and mild pain are expected. Sometimes there may be minor bruises on the breasts. Our specialist will check the surgery results the evening after the surgery and treat any problems such as post-operative bleeding.  So you will put on a new bandage and a special bra.

A supportive bra is essential, especially in the first few weeks after breast augmentation. These promote faster healing and ensure the lasting success of the operation. There’re also a few rules of conduct that you must follow. This includes resting and taking care of your own body above all else. It would be best if you did the movements slowly and deliberately. It’s normal to have tightness for the first few weeks. For this reason, you can regularly apply ice compresses to your breasts.

Treat Tightness After Breast Augmentation

Especially in Turkey, breast augmentation procedures are prevalent. Every year, thousands of patients prefer Turkey for this reason. Complications after breast augmentation in Turkey are much less, and the tightness in your breasts will decrease within a few days after the procedure. However, we recommend that you treat the tightness and swelling that may occur after breast augmentation Turkey with the help of cooling pads at home for a few days. Do this for about 3-4 days for swelling and tightness after the process. Ideally, 20 minutes each time, three times a day, will suffice.

However, if you notice that one of your breasts is more swollen than the other after breast augmentation surgery Turkey, don’t worry. This is very normal. Your body or breasts may react differently to this procedure, showing this with varying degrees of tightness.

Treat Tightness After Breast Augmentation

Before the breast augmentation surgery Turkey, you will not feel any pain immediately after the procedure, as our surgeons will give you painkillers. Since each patient’s perception of pain is different, how long you will have pain after you cannot answer breast surgery in general.

However, you will usually feel some pain for a few days after the procedure. These can occur with jerky movements or activities. Therefore, you should remain calm in the first few days of breast surgery. We recommend wearing a supportive bra to protect your breasts from bumps and touches. In this way, you can significantly reduce possible pain.

Also, sitting from a prone position can often create extra tightness as the chest muscles are needed. It would be best to avoid jerky or strenuous movements immediately after breast augmentation surgery Turkey. This ensures an optimal healing process. Sometimes back pain also happens, but it lasts longer than a week in very few cases. The cause of any back pain is the sleeping position. Don’t lie on your face for the first six weeks after the surgery, and don’t lie on your side in the first week.

Does Tightness Cause Fluid Accumulation After Breast Augmentation?

After breast augmentation Turkey, tightness doesn’t cause fluid accumulation. However, as a complication, fluid accumulation may occur. We also know fluid accumulations as seromas. Seromas are accumulations of wound fluid that can sometimes appear after breast augmentation surgery Turkey. Typically, seromas resolve on their own within a few weeks. However, it’s essential to prefer tissue-sparing surgical techniques and keep the operation time as short as possible to prevent direct seroma formation.

Tissues and lymph vessels are damaged during surgery, so there may be pain and tightness after breast surgery, which is normal. Due to possible injury to the lymphatic vessels during surgery, fluids are no longer drained and accumulated typically, which can cause seroma, or fluid accumulation, after breast surgery.

Does Tightness Prevent Breastfeeding?

In the ‘breast augmentation Turkey’ procedure, the surgeon can place the implants under or over the muscle. Your breast function doesn’t change, and it just varies in size. Because your mammary glands are healthy, milk flow occurs naturally. In other words, tightness or swelling doesn’t prevent breastfeeding. Also, if you plan to have children shortly, it makes sense to have breast augmentation surgery Turkey after you stop breastfeeding.

Breasts naturally enlarge and become heavy during pregnancy as they prepare to feed the baby. But after weaning, the tissue often changes, and the implants no longer fit as well as before pregnancy.

For detailed information about breast augmentation turkey, please click:

What Is Deep Plane Facelift?

The goal of a Deep Plane Facelift is to give the aging face a more young and rested appearance. This activity examines the assessment and management of patients receiving a deep plane facelift.

Rather than tugging the skin layer, which may produce a tight look, the deep plane facelift relaxes the muscle layer beneath the skin and allows it to be moved without tension, creating a more natural-appearing outcome.

The skin is elevated in typical facelifting, but the underlying SMAS is not lifted or supported, resulting in an unnatural tight stretched aspect to the face. Although it is a more complicated and technically more difficult procedure, however, the Deep Plane technique, which lifts the skin and muscle (SMAS) together as one unit and repositions all deep facial musculature, is a more efficient and convenient procedure.

Deep Plane Facelifts are very successful in the midface, particularly in the nasolabial folds. This technique’s invasiveness generates remarkable and long-lasting benefits but at the cost of a long recovery period and a higher chance of adverse effects. A deep plane facelift restores a more youthful appearance and rejuvenates the entire face.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a potent technique for rejuvenating the aged midface and giving it a more young and refreshed appearance. Proper patient evaluation and execution of a detailed, anatomic-based treatment plan can result in safe, dependable, and satisfying results when doing a deep plane facelift.

Deep Plane Facelift has some advantages and disadvantages compared to other alternatives of face adjustment procedures. Below, we will be listing the pros and cons of the procedure respectively:


  • The procedure doesn’t leave any feelings of stiffness, tension, or stretching.
  • The procedure allows you to have a younger looking face.
  • In a modest but noticeable way, the midface (which includes the cheekbone and cheek) is enhanced.
  • The results last for a long period.

A deep plane facelift produces considerable improvements to the face and neck that last 10 to 15 years. As with any cosmetic treatment, the effects of a facelift will change over time as a result of age, use, gravity, and sun exposure.


Deep Plane Facelift may cause some complications after the surgical process. We will be listing the most common ones of these complications below:

  • Numbness
  • Tightness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Tingling
  • Necrosis
  • Hair Loss
  • Scarring
  • Facial Nerve Damage
  • Asymmetry
  • Prolonged Edema

It is important to know that Deep Plane Facelift is not a very dangerous operation when considered from an overall perspective. Doing necessary care for your face will almost zero the chances of a possible complication.

Deep Plane Facelift: Cost, Surgery And Recovery

How Much Does A Deep Plane Facelift Cost?

A Deep Plane Facelift is a considerably more expensive operation when compared to other alternatives. However, the permanence of the results makes the procedure worth every penny spent. A Deep Plane Facelift operation is likely to cost you between £4500 to £5200 including the pre-operative procedures and necessary expenses. Since the operation hasn’t reached its peak of popularity yet, the scarcity of surgeons that are able to carry out the operation makes it a more expensive operation.

How Long Does A Deep Plane Facelift Take?

The Deep Plane Facelift procedure usually takes between 2 and 4 hours in general. The length of the surgery may differ due to some factors such as the surgeon’s preferences and the patient’s requests. It’s a precise procedure that takes a skilled surgeon some time to execute. It might take up to 5 hours if other treatments are performed, such as eyelid rejuvenation or brow realignment.

The Deep Plane Facelift is usually carried out under general anesthesia.

What Is The Recovery Process Of Deep Plane Facelift Like?

A Deep Plane Facelift procedure is relatively a smoother operation, which means the recovery process is also smoother compared to other alternatives of the operation. The full recovery may take up to 8 weeks, while the patient is usually able to carry on their daily life after 10 to 15 days. The pain is considerably less intense compared to other face-related operations. The risk of any possible complication is pretty low when taken care of the surgical area properly.

Deep Plane Facelift at Clinic Excellent

professional plastic surgeons, we make sure that your operation is carried out under perfect conditions. We provide pre and post-operative services that help with a much smoother recovery process. We also make sure that the results of the procedure are excellent and seamless.

We, at Clinic Excellent, take care of everything for you and make possible a smooth and delicate experience. We only aim to be able to provide our services to you in the best way we can do.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deep Plane Facelift

  • Is Deep Plane Facelift Safe?

Yes. When conducted by a qualified surgeon, the danger is quite minimal, just like any other operation.

At Clinic Excellent, our surgeons are top-notch experienced professionals that make sure that the procedure is carried out in a way that is the safest possible.

  • Is Deep Plane Facelift Painful?

No. In the first week, patients may feel tightness, but they do not experience discomfort. Even though pain medication is prescribed on an as-needed basis, the vast majority of patients don’t feel the need to take it.

  • How Long Will I Be Wearing Compression Bandages After The Surgery?

A headband is worn only for the first 24 hours. After it is removed, the patient is given a lighter elastic (ACE) bandage to wear as needed for support and comfort for the rest of the week.

  • Does Deep Plane Facelift Result In More Scarring?

No. Because there is no stress on the skin, scars become smaller and less noticeable. Our skilled surgeons spend a significant amount of time meticulously sealing wounds so that scars are nearly undetectable. In fact, even with their hair pulled back, most patients are unable to notice their scars afterward.

  • Can Deep Plane Facelift Be Carried Out With Other Procedures?

A neck lift is often included in a facelift procedure. In the lower face and neck, the outcome is stunning. Most patients choose additional treatments such as eyelid lifts, brow repositioning, and lip lifts to address other face regions impacted by the aging process, such as the eyes, brows, and lips.

  • How Younger Will I Look After The Procedure

Our patients provide us feedbacks that emphasize that they are told they look at least ten years younger by their friends and family.

However, the results greatly depend on the surgeon’s experience and skills. So, undertaking the procedure by an inexperienced and incapable surgeon may also result in great frustration.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a discomforting and painful situation that occurs when the collagen-fiber capsule narrows and shrinks, compressing and squeezing the breast implant, and collapses it. This medical complication may create intense discomfort and pain in the area. It also may damage the aesthetical look of the breasts.

What Are The Early Signs Of Capsular Contracture?

There are a number of signs that indicate a possible capsular contracture in early diagnosis. The most common of these are; feeling tightness in the breasts, asymmetry, firmness, misshapen look in the breasts, excess and intense pain in the area. It is very important to see a doctor as soon as possible if you have experienced one of these situations.

 How to get rid of capsular contracture?

Although there are some alternatives, the most effective and healthy way of treating capsular contracture is a surgical operation. An operation called breast implant revision surgery is carried out to treat the complication, and this surgical may include various techniques and steps according to the specific situation. While sometimes it might be necessary to remove the whole scar tissue capsule, along with the implant, it also might be possible to only remove the implant and leave the scar tissue capsule in place. 

What causes capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture occurs when the body of the patient completely refuses the foreign substance, which is called an excessive fibrotic reaction to a foreign body. The possibility of the occurrence of this situation is around ten percent and although it may be very painful and discomfort, it is rather easy to treat without any permanent damage to the body.

What does capsular contracture pain feel like?

The most common early signs of capsular contracture may include a tight sensation, and pain in the inside of the breast. The feeling of capsular contracture pain is like the breast is being squeezed from the inside very hard, and when the condition worsens, the pain starts to spread to the whole breast.

How soon does capsular contracture happen?

Capsular contracture is a complication that is most likely to occur in the late stages of the recovery, most commonly four to six weeks after the surgery. And the risk of occurrence of capsular contracture decreases over time. After six months, there is almost no risk of occurrence of the complication, unless an external impact or trauma occurs. 

Does exercise cause capsular contracture?

Participating in activities that require physical involvement is a common cause of occurrence of capsular structure in the recovery period, and shortly after the recovery. It is important to protect the breasts from any possible damage, especially for the first six months after the surgery, which is why most surgeons or medical professionals suggest avoiding doing exercises for a period of time after the surgery. 

How do you avoid capsular contracture?

Although completely preventing capsular contracture is impossible for some patients, there are a number of ways to lower the risk of occurrence of capsular contracture. These are:

  • Choosing the ideal size of implant for the patient.
  • Choosing textured gel implants.
  • Massaging.
  • Placing the implant under the tissue/muscle.
  • Minimal implant handling.
  • Patient screening and examination.

What happens if you leave capsular contracture?

Actually, there is nothing that is dangerous about leaving the breast capsular contracture, other than the feeling of intense tightness and pain. The feeling of discomfort may continue as long as the complication is not treated, while sometimes it stops a while after the occurrence. But the feeling of hardness and tightness inside the breast is likely to remain unless you don’t have it treated.

How do you test for capsular contracture?

Most of the time, a medical specialist can identify the capsular contracture occurrence by a physical examination. In some other cases where the diagnosis of the complication can not be made by a physical examination, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanning delivers the most certain and the most reliable results.

Is capsular contracture an emergency?

The capsular contracture is not a threat to health by any means in short term, which means it does not pose any risk for your body. It definitely does not cause any infection, cancer, or disease that comes to your mind. But it might be very exhausting to cope with the pain and the discomfort for a long period of time, indirectly calling forth for a disease or complication caused by tiredness, or lassitude.

Does Vitamin E help with capsular contracture?

It is not known if the use of vitamin E helps to get better after capsular contracture occurs, but it is a safe and easy way of reducing the risk of occurrence of capsular contracture beforehand. You can consume a recommended amount of vitamin E to increase the safety rate after the surgery.

Can you get capsular contracture twice?

The simple answer to this question is, yes, you can get capsular contracture twice. When you get capsular contracture removed, and directly go for a breast implant replacement, it is most likely to happen again. This is because you don’t remove the cause when removing the damaged implants, so the cause stays there, which means it will repeat as long as it is not treated. The rate of reoccurrence of capsular contracture may be as high as seventy percent. 

Can capsular contracture happen at any time?

While capsular contracture is possible to happen anytime after the surgery, as early as four weeks and as late as seven or eight years, the main density of possibility of occurrence is at four to six weeks, and it decreases and almost gets zeroed around after two years. But as mentioned before, an external impact or trauma may trigger this complication even ten years after the surgery.

Why do implants get hard?

When capsular contracture occurs, the inner substance, saline or silicone gel, is resorbed, leaving only the shell, the hard outer layer of the implant. This results in a feeling of hardness in the breast. Because the saline gel is basically a shell filled with saltwater, the collapse of the saline implant is not as painful and risky, but implants filled with silicone gel are likely to cause more pain when capsular contracture occurs.

Can a mammogram detect capsular contracture?

A mammogram is not a directly used procedure when trying to diagnose a possible occurrence of capsular contracture, but if you have experienced capsular contracture, it can be noticed because the scar tissue may crack because of the pressure applied during a mammogram, causing a difference in feeling and the look of the breasts. Also, it may create an obvious asymmetry in breasts, because capsular contracture is likely to occur in only one breast at once. 

What happens if you don’t replace breast implants?

Since the breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime, they may need to be replaced after a time period, usually as long as ten to fifteen years. If the implants aren’t removed after their time of use is expired, it may cause a number of complications. These are feeling hardness in the breasts, deformation in the shape and look of the breasts, asymmetry, and capsular contracture. But this is not the same for every individual case. In fact, there is a high possibility of breast implants being healthy and ‘’in run’’ ten, or even fifteen years after the surgery. In this case, there is no necessity of removing or replacing the breast implants.

Laser Vs. Vaser Lipo: Which To Choose?

Lately, more and more alternatives to conventional liposuction have been discovered. While some of these techniques are obviously superior to the conventional method, some of these, on the other hand, have both advantages and disadvantages, which makes it harder to decide.

In this article, we will be deeply informing you about the two most popular techniques, VASER and Laser liposuction. Further, we will be issuing a detailed comparison between the two techniques, to help you be able to choose the more effective and appropriate one for yourself.

What is VASER Liposuction?

Vaser Liposuction is one of the most successful, innovative, and cutting-edge liposuction techniques available today. It is mostly based on traditional liposuction, however, it incorporates ultrasonic (sound wave) energy into the procedure, increasing its efficiency.

When compared to standard liposuction, VASER Lipo is less intrusive and has less downtime, however, there are certain drawbacks. People must be near to their desired weight and cannot be obese. Recovery might be difficult for some patients (effective pain medication is given to treat any discomfort). Expectations may need to be altered because this isn’t a weight reduction cure, but rather a body sculpting and fat removal technique. It can, however, be extremely beneficial for the proper patients. There’s a reason it’s so popular.

VASER Lipo can be done in most areas of the body. Below, we will be listing the areas that VASER Lipo can be applied to:

  • Legs
  • Knees
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Love Handles
  • Tummy
  • Back
  • Male Chest
  • Upper Arms
  • Neck
  • Chin

VASER Lipo can also be used for some involving operations, such as Brazilian Butt Lift.

What is Laser Liposuction?

Unlike traditional liposuction, the goal of noninvasive laser lipo is to reduce fat cells rather than remove them.

There are many generations of machines that target fat with lasers, some that remove fat using suction-assisted liposuction, and others that leave it up to the body to drain the fat away and out by excretion. People who wish to target extremely small regions but don’t want VASER Lipo or non-invasive fat targeting treatments might choose Laser Lipo. Laser Lipo employs lasers to burn the fat cells, whereas VASER Lipo uses ultrasound to break down the fat cells from the surrounding tissue. VASER Lipo was created to selectively target fat cells, whereas lasers are less exact and cause more tissue disruption around fat cells.

One of the most popular Laser Lipo techniques is the i-Lipo Laser Liposuction. İ-Lipo is a brand that manufactures liposuction devices for plastic surgery clinics and hospitals.

During each i-Lipo Laser Liposuction session, a professional inserts laser diode-equipped pads directly on the skin. The laser light pierces the fat cells’ membranes and makes microscopic holes in them. This causes fat cells to discharge stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body before shrinking and perhaps losing inches. The ejected fat-cell contents are subsequently flushed out via the lymphatic system or burned for energy.

Laser lipo can be used to treat several areas:

  • Chin – Under the chin
  • Waistline
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Abdomen

VASER vs. Laser: Comparison With Advantages And Disadvantages

Both VASER and Laser liposuction methods have their advantages and drawbacks. To acknowledge these accurately and decide accordingly, one should know all advantages and disadvantages of these procedures.

While considering a comparison between VASER and Laser lipo, you should mainly focus on three topics for your decision:

  • Safety
  • Cost
  • Effectiveness

Below, we will be comparing the two procedures and discussing their pros and cons.

VASER vs. Laser Lipo: Which one is safer?

While both procedures are considered safe, there are a few factors that make VASER Lipo a safer choice, when compared to the Laser technique. However, it shouldn’t be ignored that if Laser lipo is a better option for you in terms of cost or effectiveness, the safety difference between these two procedures isn’t as big to require you to change your mind. Below, we will be listing three things that make VASER Lipo a safer choice, when compared to Laser Lipo.

  • VASER lipo carries less danger of injury. Since VASER Lipo uses ultrasonic sound waves, while Laser Lipo uses heat to break down the fat cells, VASER is considered a safer choice. There is a possibility that the heat from the Laser device during the liposuction may damage or cause injury in the area, especially over the skin.
  • VASER Lipo offers a smoother operation and recovery process, since it provides a gentler approach for more evenly distribution of energy.
  • Since Laser Lipo uses heat to break down the fat cells, and distribution of the heat can’t be completely controlled, Laser liposuction is considered a less accurate method when compared to VASER, increasing the risk of a possible damage in the surrounding area of the appliance point.

VASER vs. Laser Lipo: Which one is less costly?

Although the cost of the procedure greatly depends on the specific desires and requirements of the patient, it can be said that VASER Lipo has a wider price range when compared to the Laser method.

  • A VASER Liposuction procedure may cost anywhere between 2000 and 10000 USD, while,
  • A Laser Liposuction usually costs between 5000 and 6000 USD.

With that being said, it should be considered that the usual cost range of VASER Lipo is between £3000 to £4300 based on the areas to be liposuctioned.

VASER vs. Laser Lipo: Which one is more effective?

Although both these procedures have their own advantages, VASER Lipo is considered a more effective method due to a number of additional advantages it brings.

Below, we will be issuing a comparison between these two procedures, in terms of effectiveness:

  • VASER Lipo allows for a better skin tightening, since the energy distribution in VASER is more evenly and accurate.
  • VASER Lipo has a wider range of fat removal, which means it can be used to remove greater amounts of fat when compared to Laser Lipo.
  • Removed fat from the body can be used for fat grafting (lifting) in other parts of the body, for example for a BBL, if the fat is removed with the VASER technique. Unfortunately, Laser Lipo doesn’t have such an advantage.
  • VASER Lipo has a wider range of appliance areas when compared to the Laser technique. VASER method can be used on almost all body parts that are suitable for liposuction, while Laser lipo can only focus on four main areas.
  • In addition to these, VASER lipo brings along a number of additional advantages, which are:
    • Smoother procedure and recovery
    • Shorther recovery time
    • Generally better results
    • Less bleeding
    • Less bruising

Frequently Asked Questions About Brazilian Butt Lift-Part 3

Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as BBL, is one of the most popular plastic surgical operations today. The main reason for this is that the surgery has a very high satisfaction rate, and other alternatives to the operation are far less effective compared to BBL. But with its popularity, there sure come lots of questions in minds. In this article, which is the third article of this series, we will be informing you about the following topics:

  • Do’s, and Don’ts Before Having A Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery
  • Taking Vitamins and Their Affects to Post-Operation Process
  • Consume of Vitamins That May Be Dangerous Before The Surgery
  • Birth Control Medications And Why You Should Stop Taking Them Before Having A BBL Surgery

What to do, and what to not do before having a BBL surgery?

Brazilian Butt Lift is a plastic surgical operation, and it is carried out under general anesthesia. Since the operation includes complicated processes, it requires some precautions to make sure that the operation is carried out under optimized and the safest possible conditions. With that being said, we can make a list of essential instructions to follow, before undergoing BBL surgery.

  • For a safer operation, and additionally, a safer and smoother recovery process, avoid consumption of alcohol or cigarettes for at least fourteen days before the surgery. This is one of the most important things you should know and do before having BBL surgery. Consumption of both alcohol and cigarettes slows down the healing process, as well as creates possible complications and dangers during the surgery. It is important to know that, even light alcohol drinks such as beer and light cocktails should be strictly avoided, and any kind of smoking, including weeds, cigarettes, puros, and pipes should be avoided for at least fourteen days (ideally twenty-one days) before the surgery. Doing so will both reduce the risks of the surgery and help to have better results.
  • Let your doctor know if you regularly use any kind of medication, vitamins, or supplies (including herbal and protein-based supplies) and if you use any of these, make a list of these medications or supplies to give to your doctor. If you don’t give your surgeon the required information about your consumption of these materials, there is a possibility of fatal complications caused by these products. You should consult your surgeon that if you are allowed to use these products before having BBL surgery. Usually, any kind of medication, vitamins, and supplies have the possibility of creating unexpected complications during or after the surgery. Also, protein-based supplies or supplies that athletes use may even cause heart attacks and strokes, if wrongly used before a surgical operation. 
  • Buy loose clothing to wear after the surgery. After a BBL surgery, a big part of your body will be affected by the operation, and the surgical area may create discomfort when under physical pressure. Thus, wearing loose clothing after the surgery is very vital, since both provide a fresher feeling and reduce pain, and makes sure there isn’t any physical pressure on the surgical area. Wearing pants after the surgery will be impossible for at least a few weeks, and the best options to wear after a BBL surgery are pajamas or shorts.
  • Maintain and follow a healthy diet with a balanced exercise schedule. One of the most important things to do before having BBL surgery is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should know that the least risky operations are carried out under optimized conditions, and the most important one of these conditions is having a healthy body. Consuming a sufficient amount of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates regularly will help your recovery process to pass much more smoother. Also, since your movements will be greatly restricted for at least three weeks after the surgery, in order to prevent any muscle loss and unwanted fat accumulation, it is important to do exercises and have a fit body while having the surgery.
  • Mentally prepare yourself for discomfort and pain. Having a BBL surgery means your movements, and even sitting positions will be greatly restricted. There will be pain and discomfort the following days. You will not be able to sit on your buttocks for at least three weeks, which means you will have to be constantly lying on your side or your stomach. You will also be not able to stand for long and walk long distances. You will not be able to work or exercise for at least three weeks. Preparing yourself for these conditions is a very important step before having a BBL surgery since your mental state will be affecting your recovery process as well.

Taking Vitamins And Their Affects to The Post-Operation Process

Many plastic surgeons suggest that increasing your iron intake naturally before the surgery will help the recovery process to be smoother and faster. Also, since it helps the absorption of iron, consuming Vitamin C in natural ways will also help. Apart from this, B-9 and B-12 vitamins will also be helpful in the recovery process. But as we mentioned above, since the consumption of supplies that include these vitamins may cause some complications, it is safest that you use natural ways of consuming these materials, such as consuming orange, lemon, mandarin, red meat, milk, and vegetables. With that being said, you should still stop consuming these vitamins one week before the surgery.

Consume of Vitamins That May Be Dangerous Before The Surgery

Apart from the materials we mentioned above, there are also some types of vitamins that you should definitely avoid consuming before the surgery. Since Vitamin E and Vitamin K can interfere with anesthesia, and other factors, their consumption should be completely stopped at least two weeks before the surgery. And additionally, as we just mentioned above, consumption of Vitamin C and Vitamin B also should be stopped at least one week before the surgery.

Birth Control And Brazilian Butt Lift

Birth control pills and other birth control products may carry big risks before undergoing a surgical operation. Since birth control medications interfere with the body’s natural periodical processes, they are highly dangerous for a person that will have a surgical operation. Birth control pills are proved to increase the possibility of occurrence of a vein thrombosis after the surgery, according to a survey carried out in the past. In addition to this, since birth control pills modify the number of hormones in the body, it may create unexpected complications both during and after the surgery.