Breast Implant Types, Brands, And Sizes

Breast augmentation is the surgical operation in which breast implants are placed over or under the tissue, in order to increase the volume of the breasts. There are various types, sizes, and brands of implants that are used for breast augmentation. The ideal breast implant depends on the case, based on the body type, the desired look, and the budget. The price range of breast implants is between £2800 and £3600. The factors that affect the price are; the type of the implants, the texture of the implants, the size of the implants, the brand of the implants, and the shape of the implants.

Implant Types: Saline and Silicone

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are basically hard silicone shells filled with salt water. Some saline silicones are filled with salt water before the surgery, while some are filled during the operation. Saline silicone implants are FDA-Approved for augmentation for women over the age of 18. When a saline implant ruptures, leaks, or the shell cracks, the salt water is naturally absorbed by the body, and it usually doesn’t pose any danger to the patient. Saline implants may last up to twenty years, depending on the quality and the brand. The usual lifespan of saline implants is anywhere between ten and twenty years, but in ideal conditions, the implant may last even longer.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are basically silicone shells pre-filled with a special kind of silicone gel. This gel mimics the human fat with a thick, sticky, and fluid structure. Most patients that have undergone breast augmentation surgery say that silicone breast implants look and feel more natural, compared to saline breast implants. Silicone breast implants are FDA-Approved for breast augmentation in women older than the age of 22. The average lifespan of silicone gel breast implants is ten to twenty years, and most patients have their implants replaced within eight to ten years.

Silicone vs. Saline: Pros and Cons

The two types of breast implants come with different pros and cons, and we will be examining the pros and cons of the two different types in comparison.

Saline Breast ImplantSilicone Breast Implant
Doesn’t pose any risks when ruptured.May pose risks if the shell cracks or the implant ruptures.
Can be used for women over the age of 18.Can be used for women over the age of 22.
Feels and looks less natural.Feels and looks more natural when compared to the saline implants.
Can be slightly less costly.Can be slightly more costly.

‘’Baffled’’ Saline Breast Implants

A different method used while producing the saline implants called ‘’baffling’’ is able to create a more natural feel and look, by layering the shell and allowing the sterile salt water inside the implant to mimic the silicone gel implant by moderating the flow via these layers, according to some experts. The method is not widely known or used yet, but it is likely to be more popular in the future.

Breast Implant Shapes

There are two basic shapes of breast implants; the round (anatomical), and the tear drop (contoured) breast implants. Both of these implants come in many different sizes and profiles. Choosing an implant over another depends on a number of variables such as; the desired look, the body type of the patient, and the preferred incision location. The selection process can be complicated, thus, getting help from the professionals and not hurrying while making the decision is very important.

Round (Contoured) Breast Implant

The round breast implant is the one that is preferred by most women. This implant type provides a more full look compared to tear drop shaped breast implants. The round implants can be filled with bot silicone gel and sterile salt water. Patients can choose either a textured or smooth surface for the implant. Compared to a teardrop implant, a round implant is less likely to wrinkle. Even if it wrinkles, it is almost not noticeable and causes very few problems. It can be also said that the round implants are safer compared to the teardrop implants.

Tear Drop (Anatomical) Breast Implants

The tear drop implants are usually preferred by patients who want the most natural look and feel possible. People who usually find round breast implants ‘’artificial’’ prefer to have a breast augmentation with tear drop breast implants. The typical tear drop breast implants are thinner at the top than they are at the bottom. This provides a more natural look and feel. The tear drop implants are also ideal for people who have mild sagging in their breasts. The anatomical structure of the tear drop shaped breast implants offers the opportunity of correcting the mild saggings.

Breast Implants Profiles

Breasts implants come in a variety of sizes, shapes, brands, and profiles. The ‘’profile’’ term in breast augmentation refers to how far the breast projects forward from the chest wall. A high-profile breast implant refers to the smallest base width and produces the most pronounced silhouette, while a moderate-profile implant means a wider base width and a more natural-looking forward projection from the chest.

Breast Implants Brands


Mentor is a breast implant manufacturer that produces silicone and saline breast implants, exclusively in the US. The brand is one of the most popular breast implant manufacturers and the satisfaction rate is considerably high. Mentor has a patented special technology called ‘’MemoryGel’’, these implants come with four projection options, allowing you to choose the best for your desires and body type.

Allergan Natrelle

Allergan is one of the world’s largest breast manufacturers. Allergan Natrelle only manufactures silicone gel implants with smooth surfaces. It can be said that the company has expertise in this type of breast implant. Allergan offers breast implants in five profiles ranging from low to extra-full projection.

Sientra (Sientra Opus Breast Implants)

Sientra OPUS breast implants can only be used by Board Certified and Board Eligible Plastic Surgeons. Sientra offers both round and tear drop shaped breast implants. As for Allergan, Sientra round shaped breast implants also come in five different projections and offer a proprietary texturing technique to maintain the implant positioning.


Motiva is a breast implant manufacturer that prioritizes the ergonomy, and the safety of the patient. Motiva implants come in two shapes (Round and Tear Drop), and various sizes and projections. Motiva only manufactures smooth surfaced implants because they aim for the most natural look and feel. The company also implies that the textured implants are riskier than their smooth surfaced counterparts.


Nagor is a British breast implant manufacturer that aims for the best quality in their products. The company is the only breast implant manufacturer in the United Kingdom and it has a rooted history. Nagor produces both round and anatomical shaped breast implants and they only produce breast implants filled with silicone gel. They also have a special technology called ‘’SiloGard 360° Barrier Layer’’ that aims to enhance the integrity of their implants and minimize the gel diffusion.

Arm Lipo vs. Arm Lift: What Is The Difference?

Arm lipo and arm lift are two seperate plastic surgical operations with very similar aims. While an arm lift mostly focuses on the excess skin in the upper arm, an arm lipo rather concentrates on the fat. These two procuders can also be done simultanously in some cases for better results.

Arm Liposuction

Upper arms liposuction is mostly ideal for those who have an excess amount of fat in the area. But in addition to that, a good candidate for an arm lipo should have a good skin tone too. A good skin tone allows the remaining excess skin and tissue to tighten after the operation. This is mostly related to healing ability, so the younger the patient, the better the results are. In arm lipo, regardless of what technique is used, usually a very small incision under the arm is made to execute the process, and this incision usually completely disappears a few months after the surgery. The liposuction techniques that are mostly used for an arm lipo are Vaser liposuction and laser liposuction. Both these techniques are almost equally efficient and safe.

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical operation in which the excess skin and tissue are removed. The arm lift is mostly ideal for patients who have lost a considerable amount of weight. The remaining skin after the weight loss may also have fat masses attached to it. These fat masses usually can be removed with an arm lift, but in some cases, liposuction can also be an efficient solution.

Arm Lift with Liposuction

These two operations can be combined and be carried out simultaneously. Although this is the most effective way to reduce the area, there is a limit about how much fat liposuction can remove from the area. Because of that, the operation can’t be effectively used for patients that have too much fat in their arms. This situation requires an arm lipo beforehand, and when stationary, an arm lift is carried out followingly. This process can also be called ‘’delayed combination’’.

The Area Subject To Operation

Both arm lipo and arm lift operations focus on the contour of the lower hemisphere of the upper arm as seen when the arm is extended out ninety degrees from the body. The fat on the outer surface of the arm is much more dangerous to remove since the outer part has a much more muscular structure. Trying to remove the fat in the outer area could result in serious scarring and permanent damage to muscles.

Delayed Combination

A delayed combination means undergoing an arm lipo beforehand and having an arm lift after a while. This method can be ideal for two situations. The first one is when there is too much fat to remove during a simultaneous combined operation, separating the processes to gain the ability to remove more fat from the area. The second situation is a little more spontaneous. When a patient undergoes an arm lipo operation but the skin in the area doesn’t tighten over time, there occurs a need for an arm lift. This situation may be annoying since a second operation is unplanned beforehand, however, having the mindset before the arm lipo would help with the situation. It is important to acknowledge that the excess skin remaining after an arm lipo might not tighten by itself before undergoing the surgery.

Mini Arm Lift

Just like the tummy tuck, an arm lift can also be carried out in two different ways. The difference between a full arm lift and a mini arm lift is mainly on the amount of skin removed. A mini brachioplasty is more ideal for those who need smaller adjustments to the area. In a mini brachioplasty, only a small incision is made in the armpit, leaving no visible scars behind unless the arm is fully raised. The incision made in a mini brachioplasty is much smaller and has the possibility of fully healing more. The operation can also be combined with liposuction, however, the liposuction can not be comprehensive and can be only used for small adjustments.

The Possible Side Effects Of Arm Lipo and Arm Lift

As in any other surgical operation, arm lift and arm lipo also have some risks and possibility of occurrence of complications. In this paragraph, we will be discussing these outcomes.

  • Nausea and sickness related to anesthesia. As in any other surgical operation that is carried out under general anesthesia, arm lift and arm lipo can result in nausea and sickness for a few days after the surgery. The complication may create considerable discomfort during the recovery process.
  • Infection and inflammation. These complications are also among the risks of any surgical operation that requires an incision. Infections can cause a lot of pain and can reduce the results of the operation, as well as possibly cause other complications.
  • Muscle damaging. Although it is not very common, during liposuction or skin trimming, the muscular structure can be damaged. While small damages can heal over time, there is a small possibility of a permanent complication when damage is bigger.
  • Permanent scars. It is almost inevitable to have a scar after an arm lift operation. However, although a mini arm lift leaves scars too, it is a much more low possibility that the scarring after a mini brachioplasty can be seen.

Do’s and Don’ts Before and After An Arm Lift or Arm Lipo

  • Consumption of alcohol and smoking should be stopped three weeks before the surgery. Alcohol and cigarettes carry a number of risks if they are used before undergoing a surgical operation, such as creating complications with anesthesia.
  • Usage of any types of medications, especially aspirins and painkillers, should be stopped. Since these medications cause the blood to be runnier, they may cause severe complications such as uncontrollable bleeding during the operation.
  • A healthy and rich diet should be followed both before and after the surgery. Consumption of a sufficient amount of fibers, proteins ,and carbohydrates helps the recovery process to be much smoother, as well as faster. Having a healthy diet also helps to reach better results after the surgery.
  • Heavy physical activities should be avoided for a month after the surgery. Although activities such as walking or cycling are not actually risky, the possibility of an accident should be considered. And for lifting activities that involve arms, they should be strictly avoided for at least six weeks after the surgery, to make sure any complication doesn’t occur.
  • Loose clothing should be preferred after the surgery. Especially after an arm lift, since there will be a big scar, it is important to wear comfortable clothes that are loose enough to not disturb the surgical area. Letting more air to the area also helps with a faster and smoother recovery.

All-On-Four And All-On-Six Dental Design

 As our bodies get older, our teeth become more and more weak, resulting in tooth loss. Tooth loss can be due to several reasons along with aging, and is usually very hard to cope with. When a patient faces several teeth loss, it becomes more and more hard to cope with. Since the traditional teeth implants are used as particular structures, it becomes harder and harder to go to a dentist and have new implants placed. For this reason, all-on-four and all-on-six dental implants have become more popular over time. In this article, we will be informing you about these dental implant types. And additionally, we will be discussing their advantages and disadvantages.

What Do All-On-Four And All-On-Six Dental Implants Mean?

  • All-on-four dental implants, which are a more advanced version of traditional dental implants are usually used for replacement of regular dental implants or missing teeth. Instead of using one implant for each lost tooth, the all-on-four approach uses four implants at the top and four at the bottom as the main anchor. Dentures are then attached to the implants by the dentist. All-on-4 dental implants may be the best option for you if you are missing numerous teeth or no longer have any natural teeth. In only one day, you can have a stunning, natural-looking smile and new teeth with All-on-4 Dental Implants. If you’re weary of wearing your denture or it’s loose and uncomfortable, the All-on-4 or Teeth in a Day operation will help you get rid of it and replace it with permanent, natural-looking teeth.
  • The all-on-six dental surgery replaces the whole upper or lower tooth set at once. Many patients have benefited from teeth restoration with All-on Six therapy, which is a much stronger and healthier denture than traditional dentures. It demonstrates that the all-on-six procedure has a high success rate in long-term follow-ups. Patients who get regular checkups following treatment have no problems with their teeth for years. Implants in the jawbone attach to the jawbone over time, mimicking natural roots and giving you a more natural grin.

How Do They Work?


First and foremost, patients who are scheduled for all-on-four treatment should undergo a thorough clinic and radiological assessment. A suitable plan for the patient is created using measurements obtained from computed tomography (BT). The surgery and the dental prosthesis process are two aspects of the all-on-four treatment. On the first day of treatment, four pieces of dental implants are placed in the patient, and a temporary dental prosthesis is attached to the implants the same day. After 3 months, the patient is fitted with a permanent denture.

Under local anesthetic, the all-on-four implant procedure is simple to conduct. In persons who are afraid of dentists, it can also be done under sedation or full anesthesia.

In comparison to standard implants, all-on-four requires fewer operations and has a shorter treatment time. The main benefit of the all-on-four approach is that it allows you to acquire a whole set of teeth in just one surgery. Traditional dental implant surgery involves many surgeries with a considerable recuperation period between each one, but the all-on-four method allows implants and prostheses to be attached on the same day.

The all-on-four implant procedure might take anywhere from four to six months to complete. Those who require more dental work may have to wait longer, which might add another month or two to the whole process.


While the patient is anesthetized with a local anesthetic or intravenous anesthesia, the practitioner puts dental implants into the jawbone. When the implants have healed, a temporary prosthesis can be fitted the same day.

This procedure is used to replace an entire set of teeth on either the upper or lower jaw. Many patients have benefited from all-on-six therapy, which is a denture that is considerably tougher and healthier than standard dentures.

Patients with a full arch of missing teeth might consider the all-on-six dental implant therapy. It is also for people who have a few lost teeth and want to replace them with a complete arch dental implant. The all-on-six method is a long-term, sturdy alternative to standard dentures.

The surgery takes a day to complete — depending on the patient, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. Patients can return to work the next day with their new dental implants thanks to this same-day treatment.

What Are The Advantages Of All-On-Four Dental Procedure

  • Patients who are missing teeth can have a fixed dental prosthetic implanted in a single procedure.
  • The operation is very easy because no complex surgery such as sinus elevation or bone addition is used.
  • It is less expensive than traditional dental implant treatment since the number of dental implants utilized is reduced and no additional surgical procedure is necessary.
  • The recovery time for all-on-four dental implants is rather short.
  • It gives people an attractive appearance and a smiling line that is custom-made for them.
  • When compared to fixed dental prosthesis on traditional dental implants, they are significantly easier to clean and maintain.
  • It is appropriate for people who live abroad because the number of required therapy sessions is low.

What Are The Advantages Of All-On-Six Dental Procedure

  • The recovery process is very short compared to common dental implants.
  • After recovery, there aren’t any problems with consuming different types of foods.
  • There is no need for a bone graft to apply all-on-six implants.
  • Results last for long term
  • There are no detachable household appliances required.
  • They are substantially easier to clean and maintain as compared to fixed dental prosthesis on standard dental implants.

Costs Of All-On-Four And All-On-Six Dental Implants

  • The cost of all-on-four dental implants is determined by a number of factors, including the type and quality of your tooth bridge, as well as the type and quality of your dental implants. To be clear, our facility charges between $4000 and $6500 for an all-on-four dental implantation treatment.
  • The cost of all-on-six dental implants depends on multiple factors including the requirement of bone grafting and sinus lifting. But to be clear and originate an idea, it can be said that all-on-six dental implant procedures usually cost about $6500