Male BBL and High Definition Liposuction (Six Pack)

  • As the plastic surgery sector increases its popularity among men, more varied and more complicated surgeries are being developed according to the desires and needs of men. Today, we are going to inform you about three of these processes, which are:
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecomastia (Overvolumed breasts in men)
  • Six Pack High Definition Vaser Liposuction (Gladiator Lipo)
  • Male BBL (Soccer Butt)

With two of these processes being highly popular, a very specific situation, gynecomastia, will be issued in this article to inform you, our readers, about these medical processes.

Gynecomastia (Enlarged Breasts in Men)

Gynecomastia is a medical condition in which the breasts become too large and volumed in men. The condition may be caused by several health problems such as hypogonadism, cirrhosis, or malnutrition. The condition also may be temporarily occurred due to a number of reasons. In this case, it will probably resolve over time without the need for surgical treatment. Gynecomastia should be diagnosed correctly because it can be mistreated due to its similarities with breast cancer or breast abscess. The diagnosis of gynecomastia can be made via medical tests and mammograms. But your doctor may need additional tests such as tissue biopsies, testicular ultrasounds, MRI scans, and CT (Computerized Tomography) scans. The diagnosis can be made via the results of these tests. Gynecomastia can be treated with the help of medications as well as a surgical operation. The popular medications used for this condition are Tamoxifen Anastrozole. And the methods that can be used in surgical operation are liposuction and mastectomy.

Gynecomastia surgery is considered plastic surgery and can be carried out in both clinics and hospitals. The right option of two methods for the patient is usually determined by the doctor that will execute the operation. While the liposuction method is pretty standard, which is basically draining the fat through incisions via small tubes, the mastectomy method is a little more complicated process, in which the breast gland tissue is removed. The recovery time of this surgery is far less than those of other plastic surgeries, being only two to four weeks in total.

If the doctor decides the treatment to be only supported by medications, it is crucial to take therapy or do activities that help you to feel more comfortable and less stressed. The process can be longer with medications compared to surgery, so protecting your mental health along with having the determination to maintain the recovery process is very important and this can be provided with the help of your family, friends, and therapist.

Six Pack High Definition Liposuction (Gladiator Lipo)

Six-pack high definition liposuction, also known as six pack abs with Vaser HD liposuction, is the surgical process in which the ‘’not-going’’ fat in the abdominal area is removed carefully with the help of the Vaser liposuction technique. This surgical operation can only be carried out with Vaser liposuction because, in order for the abdominal area to look optimized ripped and muscular, the removal of fat in the area should be done very carefully to preserve the shape of the muscles. The process is considered a plastic surgical operation and it is carried out under general anesthesia. The ultimate aim of the process is to remove the unwanted or settled fat to highlight the muscles in the area. Vaser liposuction allows the operator to remove even the slightest and littlest fat mass, thanks to its game-changing ultrasound fat removal technology. The process requires a very experienced doctor, and reliable, quality tools for optimal results.

Gladiator lipo is generally preferred by men that are athletes or bodybuilders but the process can be applied to almost everybody. The operation is usually carried out under general anesthesia and the patient can go home the same day. The total recovery takes up to six weeks but the patient usually becomes able to maintain their slight daily life after one to two weeks, except for sportive activities. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking aspirins are not suggested before the operation, since these activities may cause several problems during and after the operation. The steps of a gladiator lipo operation are usually like this:

  • Applying anesthesia. The operation requires general anesthesia and usually takes up to ninety minutes. The patient will be unconscious during this time period due to general anesthesia.
  • Opening the incisions. The operation generally requires very small incisions to be opened. Since the vaser device and the tubes are pretty small, an incision as small as a few centimeters is usually enough for this operation.
  • Melting down and collecting the fat in the area. The fat is broken down and collected via the vaser device and tubes in this step.
  • Closing the incision(s). The incisions are closed with the help of stitches, laser pasting, and cushions.

There may be a need for check-ups after the operation, to see the bare results of the operation and make sure there aren’t any infections. The patient can go home the same day as the operation and carry on with their daily routine after a week or two. But participating in any sportive activity requires a full recovery, which means approximately six weeks, to be done safely.

Male Brazilian Butt Lift (Soccer Butt)

Male Brazilian butt lift, also known as soccer BBL or soccer butt, is a combined surgical operation that is carried out to reach a more full and shaped butt for men. The operation consists of two main steps, which are liposuction and grafting or transferring. The operation helps the patient have a more uplifted, full, and shaped butt. The operation is considered a plastic surgical operation, which means insurance usually do not cover this operation. There are a number of steps to follow before, during, and after the operation. The steps that will be followed before the operation are:

  • Consulting an expert about the process and possible outcome.
  • Contouring the area to be able to visualize what to expect.
  • Running some tests to make sure that there will be no allergic reactions caused by anesthesia. (Optional)
  • Determining the date and the time of the operation.

There are also a few things that need to be careful about before going under this operation. These are not consuming alcohol or any addictive material, not smoking, and not taking any medications such as aspirin or painkillers. The steps that are followed during the operation are:

  • Application of anesthesia. The operation usually requires general anesthesia, which means the patient will be completely unconscious during the operation.
  • Opening incisions for liposuction. To increase the volume of the buttocks, an amount of fat should be collected from different parts of the body. The most preferred body parts for this procedure are the abdominal area, upper or lower back, and thighs. 
  • Collecting the fat from the body via tubes. The fat is usually drained into tubes.
  • Purifying and readying the collected fat for the transfer. The collected fat needs to undergo a procedure, called purifying. In this procedure, the dead fat cells, and fluids are separated from the pure fat cells, in order to increase the success rate of the operation.
  • Injecting (Grafting) the fat into the area. The fat is transferred or grafted into the different points on the area, according to the desired shape and structure.

The operation may take up to two hours and the patient usually is able to go home the same day as the operation. It is normal for the patient to have difficulties sitting or lying down for a while. Although the total recovery takes about four weeks, the patient can carry on their daily life within two weeks, except for sportive activities.

The Prices

  • A gynecomastia operation costs between £2600 and £3200
  • The price of a gladiator liposuction operation is around £3500
  • A male BBL operation may cost about £3600

Frequently Asked Questions About Gynecomastia, Gladiator Lipo and Male BBL

  • Is there a risk of repetition of gynecomastia?

If the reason behind the condition is not diognised correctly, the gynecomastia may repeat. But this situation is very common and usually doesn’t require a second operation.

  • Is gladiator lipo permanent?

It can be said that the results of this operation usually remain a lifetime. But such situations as gaining high amounts of weight may cause the loss of the results.

  • Are these operations risky?

As in all surgical operations, there are a number of risks such as bleeding, nausea due to anesthesia, flooding, and infections. But the rate of these side effects are rather low.

  • Is male BBL temporary?

The permanence of male BBL depends on several variables. But it can be said that the outcome of this surgical operation is likely to be permanent.

Plastic Surgeries After Weight Loss

After a tremendous amount of weight loss, there is likely to be excess skin and fatty remaining tissue in the body. This situation usually occurs in specific areas in the body, such as the abdomen, back, buttocks, face, thighs, arms, breasts, etc. When this situation occurs, plastic surgical operations that are optimized for this type of situation are the best choice to reach the body you desire. These operations include breast reduction, full and mini tummy tuck, thigh lift, arm lift, facial rejuvenation, and several other procedures.

The patients are also able to undergo a combination of these procedures, such as a mommy makeover. Having such operations after weight loss may change your life completely. Because even if you lose weight, the remaining excess skin and fatted tissue may hinder you from wearing the clothes you desire or participating in some physical activities. You may also want to wear a bikini for your vacation for example, but excess skin and sagging body parts may be a great obstacle to this.

Another situation that may lead you to the need of having these surgeries is pregnancy. After pregnancy, there may occur sagging in the breasts and abdominal area, as well as arms, thighs, and buttocks. Mommy makeover, a combined procedure that is able to include the operations alined above, offers an opportunity to get rid of all of these problems at once.

What To Expect?

These surgical operations mainly aim to enhance the look of the body, by removing the excess skin and fatted tissue. Although some operations such as tummy tuck may also include liposuction that helps to get rid of the excess fat in the abdominal area, alongside excess skin and fatted tissue, most of these operations mainly aim to enhance the situation after weight loss and are optimized according to that aim. So, being close to your weight goal before having one or a combination of these surgeries is essential. It may also be safer to maintain a steady weight for three to six months before having these surgeries may help enhance the results and increase the success rate.

After a certain amount of weight loss, it is likely that the body will lack the beneficial nutrients that help heal the wounds and maintain overall health. To cope with this, the patient should maintain a healthy and nutritive diet, and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Avoiding alcohol and smoking is also necessary before the surgery, because all these procedures require general anesthesia, and undergoing a surgical operation while actively smoking or drinking increases the risks of these operations considerably.


Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical operation that is carried out in order to decrease the volume of the abdominal area. The operation is considered plastic surgery so most insurance companies do not cover the cost of the operation. The basic procedure of the operation involves removing the excess fat mass in the area and then trimming the excess skin and the tissue in order to improve the look. Basically, there are two types of the tummy tuck. Which are; full tummy tuck, and mini tummy tuck.

While the full tummy tuck deals with both the upper and lower parts of the abdominal area, the mini tummy tuck only deals with the lower part of the abdominal area. The abdominal area is one of the most common body parts that have excess skin and fatty tissue after tremendous weight loss. The tummy tuck also includes liposuction so it is not a necessity to lose weight before having a tummy tuck surgery. However, it is not recommended to have a tummy tuck operation without losing weight, since there is a high possibility of fat recurring in the area.

Breast Reduction and Breast Lift

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure in which the excess fat, tissue, and skin are removed from the breasts. The candidates for this surgery are generally women with extremely sagged or large breasts. This surgery can be preferred in order to have more proportional, smaller, or uplifted breasts. Even though a person may have proportional breasts in normal, losing weight may change this situation.

Breasts also lose fat while you are losing weight, and this may result in excessive skin and tissue in the area. In order to cope with this, breast reduction surgery is likely to be the best option. The procedure also involves liposuction, which means you do not necessarily need to lose weight to have this surgery. Even though, as in tummy tuck, it is better to lose weight before undergoing such operation, since there is a possibility of recurring.

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical operation that aims to make the breasts look more raised. This operation actually does not affect the size of the breasts, but it pretty much helps for a way better look. Breast lift is performed by removing loosened and excess skin, and tightening the tissues and the muscles around the breasts.

Arm and Thigh Lift

Arm lift and thigh lift are two separate surgeries, but since the procedure is almost the same, these two operations can be examined under one title. The arm or thigh lift operation is carried out by opening incision lines, stretching and trimming the excess skin, removing the excess fat if needed, tightening the muscles, and closing the incisions.

The operation may create a way bigger difference than you think, especially for the arms. It is almost unavoidable to have excess skin and fatted tissue in your arms after weight loss, so, an arm lift is one of the operations that almost everybody needs after a great amount of weight loss.

Buttock Reduction

Buttock reduction is a plastic surgical operation that is carried out in order to decrease the volume in the area. The operation resembles the other operations listed above in terms of the method that is used. Liposuction, stretching and trimming. Although buttock reduction isn’t one of the most popular operations that are preferred after weight loss, it is definitely a useful and effective one.

Liposuction in Specific Areas

Weight loss may not always give you the results you desire. Some areas of the body may remain fatty even if you lose tremendous amounts of weight. These areas can be considered immune areas, and can only be corrected via liposuction. Liposuction is a plastic surgical operation that is carried out in order to remove the fat mass in the desired area.

There are several types of liposuction, such as VASER and laser liposuction, and the procedure is considered a very effective operation. The basic procedure of liposuction is opening an incision, inserting a device that is used to remove the excess fat and store it into a tube, clearing the area, and closing the incision.

Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeover is a combined surgical operation that may involve different operations, such as tummy tuck and breast reduction. The procedure may consist of different combinations, and there are more than ten operations that can be combined into a mommy makeover procedure. The most popular ones of these operations are;

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Buttock Augmentation
  • Liposuction
  • Arm Lift
  • Thigh Lift

These operations can be combined as two or more and can be done at once. Also, some procedures may require several surgical operations when combined. Mommy makeover is a very popular procedure and it is actually very effective since it can be customized due to the needs and desires of the patient.

Mommy Makeover and Things You Should Know Before Having It

Pregnancy is a life-changing event that affects both the emotional and physical aspects of a woman’s life. Bringing a new life into the world is a wonderful thing, but the changes that occur in your body, as a result, can be both startling and frustrating. And this is why mommy makeover is carried out. The term “mommy makeover” refers to a series of surgical procedures performed after pregnancy to improve the body’s appearance and eliminate the consequences of the pregnancy. Mommy Makeover is not a one-size-fits-all process, and the procedures used throughout the surgery might differ in a variety of ways. Mommy makeover has been quite popular for the past decade and continues to be so. A mommy makeover is essentially a collection of plastic surgery procedures. The treatment is widely performed in Turkey, and there is a wide range of pricing, techniques, and clinics to choose from.

The Surgical Process of Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is a set of operations that are carried out together to slim and sculpt the body. The treatment is frequently used to repair the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding on the breasts and waistline in new moms. In general, a Mommy Makeover often includes the following processes:

  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Buttock Augmentation
  • Liposuction
  • Arm Lift
  • Thigh Lift

These procedures can be combined in a variety of ways in a single procedure. A mommy makeover’s main goal is to accomplish everything that is required or desired in a single surgical procedure.

When Should You Have A Mommy Makeover Operation

Mommy Makeover applicants should wait at least three months after childbirth to consider the operation since the body requires time to recover from the physical strains of pregnancy and delivery. The precise timing of surgery, on the other hand, is dependent on a number of factors. But it can be said that the best time for this operation is 6 to 12 months after the birth. But it can be done after 12 months too. Here are four important factors to consider when planning a post-baby Mommy  Makeover:

Breastfeeding Era and Hormonal Evolutions

Hormonal changes are a normal component of the postpartum period. As the body produces breast milk, breastfeeding might cause these changes to persist. Wait until you’ve completed nursing before booking a Mommy Makeover for the greatest results.

Planning To Have More Children

One of the most crucial things to think about before committing to a Mommy Makeover is if you are planning to have more children in the future. Cosmetic surgery should be postponed if you want to have more children in the next few years. Although a tummy tuck or breast augmentation will not prohibit you from becoming pregnant, your Mommy Makeover results will most certainly be jeopardized when your body changes radically once more.

Maintaining A Stable and Consistent Weight

After having a baby, many women have a “goal weight” in mind. Diet and exercise can help you lose weight and regain your pre-pregnancy figure. If you’re still trying to lose weight, though, you should put your Mommy Makeover ambitions on hold for now. Wait until your weight has stabilized before considering body contouring surgery because significant weight reduction might result in further loose skin.

Having A Healthy Body And Lifestyle

Even after you leave the operation room, your Mommy Makeover experience continues. Recovery is an essential process that takes time and effort to complete. Before you pursue a Mommy Makeover, be sure you’re in good physical shape and have fully healed from childbirth. You can experience gorgeous, long-lasting surgery outcomes down the road if you give yourself time to relax after childbirth. To see instances of actual patient results, look through our Mommy Makeover before-and-after images. Request a consultation online if you’d like to learn more about your treatment choices.

The Total Process

The process consists of three main steps:

  • Deciding and preparations
  • Surgical process
  • Recovery process

These three steps have different requirements and there are several things to be careful about in these processes. We will be discussing these three steps superficially.

Deciding And Surgical Preparations

A mommy makeover is a delicate treatment that should be thoroughly considered and revised before proceeding. To accomplish so, you’ll need to undestand every treatment that can or will be used, as well as why you need it or don’t. You can read our article about Mommy Makeover to know the processes included to have a better idea of what operations you need.

After You decide to have a Mommy Makeover operation, and which processes it will include, you can get prepared for the operation and post-operation. In this step, you may have to change your lifestyle considerably. First and foremost, if you smoke, you must stop smoking for a period of time before and after the procedure. Also, aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements are not allowed to be used for three weeks before the surgery. This makes it easier to control bleeding during surgery.

  • In addition to this, consumption of alcohol or other addictional materials should be stopped for at least three weeks before and after the surgery to avoid any possible complications.
  • Also, adopting a healthier lifestyle, which includes a healthy and balanced diet and exercises is vital to have better results after the surgery.
  • And lastly, you should inform your surgeon about which medications you use, and be advised to know which of these medications you can continue taking during the process, or which you can’t.

The Surgical Process

Since Mommy Makeover is not a one-size-fits-all operation, the process mostly depends on the individual cases. But there are a few things that don’t change no matter which processes are applied. These are:

  • All Mommy Makeover operations are carried out under general anesthesia. The surgical operation may take ninety minutes to five hours totally.
  • Liposuction is a key process for Mommy Makeover. No matter which processes you choose, it can be said that almost all these processes include liposuction, thus, it can be said that liposuction is at the center of this surgical operation.
  • The operation carries some risks both during the surgery and afterwards. You can read our other articles that focus on risks of plastic surgical operations to have more information.

The Recovery Process

Even before you decide on a mommy makeover, you should consider the recovery process. Because you will most likely have to care for your infant, you must plan ahead of time for the procedure, as the recovery phase is difficult and lengthy. Because a mommy makeover entails a number of various surgical procedures, different combinations may necessitate varying recovery times, but in general, a full recovery can take up to three months. The scars may cause a variety of issues, such as the inability to breastfeed for a period of time following a breast augmentation or lift. It is also essential to wear loose clothing for at least three weeks after the surgery since there will be a lot of incision scars around your body.

Liposuction Complications

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in plastic surgery industry. And because of its popularity, the number of patients who experience liposuction related complications is also very high. Although liposuction is considered a considerably safe procedure, there are still risks of possible complications caused by liposuction procedures. The most common liposuction complications are:

  • Bleeding
  • Burns
  • Scars
  • Irregular Contours
  • Loose Skin
  • Asymmetry
  • Skin Sensation Loss/Changes

 In this article, we will be informing you about these complications.


Liposuction burns are a rare but dangerous side effect of the procedure. Friction from the cannula or the high temperatures involved with laser and ultrasound liposuction techniques might cause them. If the surgeon is extremely forceful during the fat removal process, you’re more prone to have burns. 

If you think you’ve had a burn, call your doctor right away and get the help you need. Compression garments, belly boards, and foams should not be worn when treating a burn. Direct pressure should not be applied to the area since this may result in further injury. Massages are included in this.

Your doctor may prescribe you a burn cream for treatment. However, if the burn is more severe, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may also be needed.

Hperbaric oxygen therapy includes exposing the body to 100% oxygen at a higher pressure than you would ordinarily encounter. To heal correctly, wounds require oxygen, and exposing a wound to 100 percent oxygen might hasten the healing process. Look into alternative therapeutic options; Manuka honey contains antibacterial characteristics and helps wound healing, according to study.


Liposuction does not necessitate huge incisions. As a consequence, the scars that occur should be minor, well-healed, and difficult to see. Unfortunately, if the treatment is performed incorrectly, unattractive scars might result, which is why it is critical to choose your plastic surgeon wisely. Because of the symmetry, poor liposuction scars can be quite noticeable, causing patients discomfort.

Following liposuction, the physician may advise you to wear compression garments over the area where the fat deposits were removed. By following your doctor’s recommendations and wearing these garments appropriately, you can reduce your chance of scarring from the operation.

Despite the fact that liposuction is a common procedure, it nevertheless necessitates a high level of accuracy, ability, and delicacy. Select a cosmetic surgeon who focuses scar avoidance and personally seals every wounds to avoid unattractive liposuction scars.

Irregular Contours

Contour irregularities are the most prevalent problem after liposuction. The surgical area is initially swollen after liposuction and may look to have a nice contour and the patient may be delighted, only to be dissatisfied many months later when the swelling subsides. They’ll notice depressions, divots, and a rippling effect as time goes on. Uneven fat removal and poor skin elasticity are the most common causes of these side effects, which can be permanent if left untreated.

Your surgeon should evaluate the condition of your skin before your treatment to see whether you’re at risk for this complication, as it will limit how aggressively they can remove the excess volume.

A variety of factors that you and your surgeon will need to evaluate before to and after the treatment will determine the likelihood and severity of the condition.

If you are unhappy with the results, you may need corrective reverse liposuction, but most surgeons will need you to wait at least six months to see if the problem goes away on its own.

Loose Skin

One of the most prevalent adverse effects of liposuction is loose skin. Your skin may seem loose without its underlying support once your excess fat has been gone. The more fat that is eliminated, the looser your skin will become. If your skin is naturally elastic, it may recover over time depending on how aggressively the surgeon removes fat. If it isn’t, your skin will likely partially recoil, giving you a smaller silhouette and unwanted loose skin, thus swapping one problem for another.

It is crucial that a patient follows their surgeon’s aftercare guidelines in order to aid the body’s recovery after liposuction. Following surgery, compression garments or bras must be worn for six to eight weeks. A liposuction garment helps the body recuperate by compressing the patient’s new form. This aids healing by allowing the skin to adhere to the tissues and preventing fluid retention. Wearing a clothing minimizes the likelihood of wrinkled and slack skin.


During the liposuction procedure, the excess fat should be removed evenly to avoid asymmetrical results. However, this is a very delicate process and it is very difficult to carry out the fat removal procedure perfectly. Because of this, asymmetry after liposuction is a common complication.

Liposuction is frequently performed hastily and with patients in poor placement on the operating table. This will almost always result in unbalanced outcomes.

To avoid this, your surgeon should identify your treatment regions exactly before the operation and remove extra fat as evenly as possible. They can make sure that both sides of your body are the same form and size following surgery in this way.

Loss Or Changes In Skin Sensation

Some people feel numbness or increased sensitivity in the treatment area after liposuction. This is due to the fact that surgery frequently disrupts the tiny nerve fibers that pass through the fat layer to reach the skin surface. Do not be frightened; feeling will most probably gradually return over the course of many weeks. When an experienced cosmetic surgeon performs the treatment appropriately and carefully, these alterations are nearly typically transitory and should fade within a few months.

However, in some rare cases, this situation may also be permanent. There are several treatment methods to cope with these permanent sensation changes. Although most of these treatments are not able to recover the sensation 100% correctly, they help the patient to get rid of the discomfort and recover a portion of the sensation. 

How Much Is An Ethnic Nose Job in Turkey?

What is Ethnic Nose Surgery?

African, Asian and Oriental noses are called ethnic noses, and the aesthetic operation applied to these noses is ethnic nose surgery. These operations aim to perform the aesthetic correction following the special anatomical structure of the noses.

Applying a surgical method suitable for the anatomical structure ensures that the result is more successful.

As in other nasal aesthetics, it is aimed to correct the cartilage and bones under the skin. Especially in Asian and African noses, cartilage transplantation may be required due to the missing cartilage.

Ethnic nose corrections, which were seen as impossible with the old surgical techniques, are now being done intensively.

One of the frequently applied methods is the so-called open operation. In this method, which lasts between 1-3 hours, the skin and mucous membranes are separated from the cartilage and bone during the operation. A small incision is made in the area of ​​the nostrils. Here comes the tip of the nose.

The advantage of the open operation is that the surgical field is open in front of the surgeon, allowing him to perform the procedure with high precision. After the cartilage is modelled as desired, the mucous membranes are sutured again with thin and self-melting threads. Also, the internal nasal passages are splinted with a soft nasal tampon or ointment gauze. The nose skin is shaped with thin plaster strips and the nose shape is supported by a splint made of plastic or plaster.

How to Do Ethnic Nose Surgery in Turkey?

Especially Turkish doctors specialize in ethnic nose surgery. For this reason, people from all over the world come to Turkey for nose operations. As a country, Turkey is the leading country in this field and is even known as the capital of rhinoplasty in the world. Turkey is certainly a leader in this field, as in many aesthetic operations.

In the field of aesthetics, they work in cooperation with doctors around the world. Even doctors from different countries from around the world can perform surgeries in Turkey and these surgeries can be watched live by anyone who is a member of the international network.

One of the most important reasons why Turkish doctors can specialize in this field is that there are many people with ethnic noses in the country and the rate of people who want to have their nose corrected is very high. It is estimated that there are around 300-400 plastic surgeons in the country. Turkish doctors also give conferences abroad.

How Much is an Ethnic Nose Job in Turkey?

Ethnic Rhinoplasty Turkey Prices

So how much does an ethnic nose job cost in Turkey, where such successful operations are carried out? Although aesthetic operations are cheaper in countries such as Poland, Lebanon, India and Thailand, people prefer Turkey. The most important reason for this is the very high success rate.

However, ethnic rhinoplasty prices in Turkey are quite affordable compared to other countries in the world.

Turkey Nose Job Before And After

Things to do before nose surgery:

  • Full medical check.
  • EKG examination and general health check.

After the nose operation:

  • The patient must stay in the clinic for at least one night.
  • The nose, which is specially cast, stays this way for two weeks.
  • For the first 2-3 months, sun and solarium should be avoided.

About the Procedure


First, general anaesthesia is administered to the patient before the operation.


An incision is made through the nostrils. This is the part where the tip of the nose will come.


The nose is reshaped. For this, cartilage and bone removal may be required. However, in some cases, cartilage transplantation may be necessary. This is especially true for Asian and African ethnic noses.

Correction of the septum

If there is a curvature of the septum, this curvature can be straightened and the protrusions in the nose reduced to improve breathing.

Incision closure

After the nasal infrastructure is brought into the desired shape, the nasal skin and tissue are reshaped and the incisions are closed.

Additional incisions can be placed in the natural curves of the nostrils to change their size.

Checking the results

For a few days, the splint and gauze can support the nose that is starting to heal. Then the doctor checks the result and makes sure that it is as desired.

Types of Ethnic Nose Job

Ethnic nose job is divided into different types among themselves. 4 ethnic nose types:

Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty

Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty is applied to people with Middle Eastern nose type. Nose correction is made without disturbing the general ethnic feature of the patient’s face. Middle Eastern nose type is also divided into several parts. These sections are:

  • Arab rhinoplasty
  • Indian rhinoplasty
  • Iranian rhinoplasty
  • Pakistani rhinoplasty

Middle Eastern noses are droopier than Caucasian noses. Doctors operate taking into account the special nose structure. In this way, the best results can be obtained from the aesthetic operation.

Asian Rhinoplasty

Asian Rhinoplasty is applied to people with Asian nose type following their ethnic characteristics. Asian nose types are divided into several sections. These are:

  • Chinese
  • Filipino
  • Japanese
  • Korean

As in other ethnic nose operations, care is taken not to deteriorate the ethnic characteristics of the patient. A nose shape that will be in harmony with the patient’s eyes, nose and chin is given. Ethnic nose operations generally require the mastery and experience of the doctor.

Latin or Hispanic Rhinoplasty

Latin or Hispanic Rhinoplasty is applied to people with this ethnic nose structure. The aim is to correct the nose without destroying the ethnic features on the face of the people. Hispanic nose types are divided into these sections:

  • Mexican rhinoplasty
  • Castilian rhinoplasty
  • Latino rhinoplasty
  • Mestizo rhinoplasty

Although it is generally a nose shape with wide nostrils, it can also differ according to the types it is separated from. The doctor’s goal is to operate according to the individual needs of each patient and while preserving their ethnic characteristics.

African and American Rhinoplasty

Wide nasal and wide or low nasal bridge features are seen in the African nose structure. The African American ethnic nose structure is also complicated for rhinoplasty like other ethnic noses and should be done by a specialist doctor. The operation should be performed following the African facial structure, without disturbing the ethnic features.

The doctor first meets with the patient and learns about their demands, but the nose correction should be suitable for the general face and the ethnic structure of the person. Otherwise, an unnatural result will occur.

Recovery after Ethnic Nose Job in Turkey

After ethnic nose surgery, the tampon is removed 2-4 days later, and the plaster cast is removed 5-7 days later. Then the bands are placed and waited for two weeks.

While patients who have undergone rhinoplasty surgery can return to their normal business life in about two weeks, they can start exercising after three weeks.

Patients coming to Turkey from abroad should calculate to stay at least 1-2 days before the operation and 7 days after the operation. It is imperative to wait for the plaster removal period. However, this is not a big problem, as both the operation and accommodation fees are more affordable in Turkey compared to other countries in the world. It is only that patients need to plan the process of obtaining leave from their work.

Other Considerations after Nose Aesthetics

There are some things that people should know after rhinoplasty. The successful results of such surgical operations are also related to post-operative practices. Therefore, the rules to be followed after the operation should be known.

For the swelling and bruises on the face to pass in a short time, the head should be laid up. Ice should not be applied unless recommended by the doctor. It is possible to take a shower 48 hours after the operation. The shower should be done with warm water.

When it is necessary to use sunglasses, it is important to act according to the doctor’s recommendation. In addition, staying in the sun or being in high-temperature environments such as baths are among the undesirable behaviours. In addition, the nose must be protected against hard blows. Entering the solarium is also among the behaviours that are considered undesirable.

Ethnic Nose Job Frequently Asked Questions in Turkey

Will My Nose Job Natural After the Procedure?

Even if there is oedema in the nose for a while after the surgery, this will pass over time. The nose looks natural and it is not obvious that it is operated, with operations performed without disturbing the natural structure of the face and paying attention to ethnic characteristics.

Ethnic Nose Job Differ From Traditional Nose Job?

Ethnic rhinoplasty similar to other forms of rhinoplasty is performed by removing or reshaping cartilage and bones under the skin. Ethnic rhinoplasty techniques include adding a nose bridge, lengthening the tip of the nose, and narrowing the nostril entrances.

The main difference with the traditional nose job is the structural differences. In ethnic nose types, a natural shape is given by considering the ethnic structure of the person. While the reduction is made in Caucasian noses, cartilage is added and augmented, especially in Asian and African type noses.

How Much is A Breast Augmentation in Turkey?

Breast augmentation, also known as a boob job, is a surgical operation that aims to increase the size of the breasts. It is basically placing implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. Breast augmentation is done for several reasons such as correcting uneven breasts or adjusting for a reduction after weight loss. Breast augmentation can be done in hospitals and clinics.

It is a surgical operation that requires either general or local anesthesia. Breast implantation is a widely performed surgical operation in Turkey. And today we are going to inform you about breast implantation, how it is done, and the advantages of having breast implantation in Turkey.

Breast Enlargement Surgery in Turkey

Breast implantation is a surgical operation that is widely preferred among women. It is carried out to enlarge the size of the breasts. There are various clinics and hospitals doing breast augmentation operations in Turkey and some of them are very popular because of their quality of service and experience. Turkey is the center of the Middle East and Eastern Europe when it comes to surgical operations. In addition to having a highly experienced sector, Turkey is also preferable for its advantages such as prices and post-operation services. There are several experts that specialized in breast implants in Turkey alongside successful surgeons that are carrying out the operation.

How is Breast Implantation Performed?

Boob job is a surgical operation that has several methods. But before a person decides to have a breast augmentation operation, they need to know some important things about after the process.

  • Breast implants are not a solution for saggy breasts. Breast implants are only for enlarging the breasts, not lifting them. The patient may request a breast lift in addition to breast enlargement. These two processes can be applied in the same surgical operation.
  • Breast implants may not last for a lifetime. The expected lifespan for breast implants is about ten years.
  • Breast augmentation may make breastfeeding harder. Although it is not a common problem, breast implants may sometimes make breastfeeding a challenging process.

In addition to these, it is beneficial to know that insurances do not cover boob jobs. Also in some cases, the patient might need an additional surgical operation after breast implants removal.

Breast augmentation can be done both under local or general anesthesia. The implants can be placed under or over the chest wall muscle. There are three places that can be used to insert the implants under the breasts:

  • The junction point under the breasts
  • Armpits
  • Around the nipples

After the incision, breast tissue is separated from muscles and connective tissue of the chest. This process creates a space either over or under the chest wall muscle. Then the implants are inserted into the spaces. The patient can decide whether the implant is saline or silicone. Saline implants are filled with saltwater after insertion into the breasts. After this process, the incisions are closed with stitches or by laser pasting. The patient usually can go home on the first day.

Breast Implant Sizes in Turkey

Although any desired implant size can be produced and used, implants between 200cc and 850cc are generally preferred and used. The sizes between these intervals can be found and used almost everywhere. Although the size to be chosen directly affects the look, another important choice to be made is the shape of the implant. The implants that are produced and used in Turkey are high in quality and highly variable in size and shape.

Breast Augmentation with Lift in Turkey

Although a breast implant operation and a breast lift operation are two different surgical operations, it is possible to combine these two operations into one surgical operation. But it comes with some risks such as poor incision healing and fluid accumulation. If the patient or the surgeon decides to have the two operations separately, the lift is usually done first. The patient can go home the first day or the day after the surgery.

Breast Implant Removal with Lift in Turkey

Breast implant removal operations may be needed or wanted for several reasons. Although there may be other reasons, usually the main reason why the patient requests an implant removal is that they are not satisfied with the look of their breasts. Sometimes the prediction for a post-operation look may be deceptive and this may lead the patient to be unsatisfied with the outcome. The breast implant removal operation and the lift operation can be done in the same surgical operation.

Breast Augmentation Prices in Turkey

Boob job prices in Turkey differ depending on several variables such as general service quality, the method that is going to be used, and the implant that is going to be used. But to give an idea, we can give some prices depending on different combinations:

  • A boob job with silicone implants is £3100
  • A boob job silicone implants and a breast lift is £3400

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Costs in Turkey

As an alternative method, fat transfer can be used for breast enlargement. This process consists of two main steps as collecting and purifying the fat and inserting the fat. It is a safe alternative for silicone implantation and can be done as easily as it. This process has different risks than silicone implantation. One of the biggest risks is that the body doesn’t accept the fat under the breasts and breaks it down. This usually happens six months after the operation. After six months, the augmentation is likely to last for a lifetime. Fat transfer breast augmentation costs differ depending on a number of variables. But to give an idea, it can be said that a normal operation might cost between £2200 and £2500. 

Shapes of Breast Implants in Turkey

There are two main types of breast implants in terms of shape: round implants and teardrop-shaped implants (also known as gummy bear implants). One of these types, round-shaped implants, is basically like a ball cut in half and is usually used for a more aesthetic look. While the other type, teardrop-shaped implant, is anatomically designed and is used for a more natural look.

Types of Breast Implants in Turkey

There are two main types of breast implants in terms of material used: silicone and saline. Silicone implants are semi-hard silicone shells filled with plastic gel/silicone while saline implants are basically silicone shells filled with sterile salt water. These two types come with different prices and advantages. So the choice between these two types is up to the patient. We can basically say that while silicone feels better for women, the saline is safer. Although both types are racially satisfactory, some women say that silicone implants feel more realistic than saline implants. But as a con, silicone implants pose more risk if they leak.

Breast Augmentation Before and After

The outcome of the operation is generally visualized especially for the patient but for those who are in the stage of decision, it is highly beneficial to give an idea about what to expect. After the breast augmentation operation, immediate results can be seen but for the final look to be seen, it is required to wait for 6 to 8 weeks.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Time Schedule in Turkey

The difference in size can be seen immediately after the surgery. General anesthesia might make the patient feel sick for the first day. Also if the implants are placed under the chest wall muscle, the patient may feel tightness and muscle aches because of the stretching of the muscles. This situation slowly ends in a few days. The patient can usually go home several hours after the surgical operation. The first few days is the time when the most pain is felt. Also, there may be minor bleedings in the first few days. After about a week, light daily activities can be done. After 2-3 weeks, the pain almost completely will have faded away. The patient can work from home but cannot lift anything or do heavy things. After about two months, the recovery process will have ended and the patient will be able to carry on their daily life. Using prescribed medications is highly important for the process to be healthier and smoother.

Scar Healing After Breast Augmentation

The scars of the operation take 6 to 12 months to reach their final look. The scars almost never feel so apparent after this time interval.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

The most important step after the surgery is to take the prescribed medication periodically. Also avoiding lifting heavy things and dangerous activities like bending over would help the recovery to be safer and healthier. Paying attention to a sleep schedule and following a healthy and sufficient diet are also as important.

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Operation Cost in Turkey?

The shape and ratio of a person’s butt are generally determined by their skeletal and muscular structure along with the body’s consuetude of storing the fat. Even though a sporty life along with a healthy diet can make a person happy with their body, still most of the women remain unhappy with their ‘’flat’’ butt. To overcome this problem, plastic surgeries are largely preferred. And Brazilian butt lift, BBL, in short, is a method used to achieve the desired butt shape.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift Operation?

Along with butt implants, a Brazilian butt lift is a commonly preferred procedure to make the butt look better. A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that consists of collecting the body fat from different parts of the body and then relocating it to the buttocks to achieve the desired look. The fundamental techniques of the Brazilian butt lift are liposuction and grafting fat.

How is A Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?

The Brazilian butt lift procedure is usually carried out under general anesthesia. However, local anesthesia may also be preferred when the size of the procedure is smaller. If the patient is likely to get sick because of the anesthesia, anti-nausea medication can be given before the operation.

 After anesthesia, the fat is collected via liposuction from different areas of the body (stomach, thighs, hips, etc.). Liposuction consists of making incisions in the skin and then collecting and storing the fat into a tube.

The fat collected from the body is purified before transfer into the buttocks.

The operation is fulfilled after the purified fat is transferred into the buttocks. The incisions from liposuction and grafting are closed up with stitches. And at last, the stitches are covered with pieces of garment in order to protect them from any possible damage.

Is Brazilian Butt Lift Dangerous?

As in every other surgical operation, the Brazilian butt lift also has some risks but it is less dangerous than most surgical operations, including implanting silicone into the buttocks. Some of the possible risks and side effects of Brazilian butt lift are pain, loss of skin due to infection in the surgical area, tubers under the skin in the areas the liposuction is applied, scarring, and infection. The fatality rate of Brazilian butt lift is about %0,03. Although the rate may seem high for such a simple operation, deadly situations generally occur because of the wrong appliance or wrong treatments after the operation. This rate is much lower in Turkey thanks to successful experts and the advanced sector in Turkey. Experts in Turkey use different techniques such as Safe BBL (relocating fat not under or into the muscles, but over the muscles) to reduce the risks of the process.

In addition to these, another possible side effect is the failure of the operation. This occurs when the body breaks down and absorbs the grafted fat in the buttocks. This situation may require an additional one or two procedures. In order to avoid this situation, the surgeon may insert extra fat the first time.

How to Prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift Operation?

Before going under a Brazilian Butt Lift operation, the patient may find it helpful to take some precautions for the operation to be smoother and the recovery to be faster.

First of all, the patient should mentally prepare not to sit directly on the fat inserted area for at least 21 days. A healthy and balanced diet before and after the operation should help the process to be faster and smoother.  The patient also should not consume alcohol or smoke for at least 21 days before and after the operation for faster and healthier healing. The prescripted medications should be taken as instructed in order to help the healing to be safer and less painful. The patient should wear loose clothes which are easy to wear and take off during the healing process. The patient must rest in a comfortable and fresh space and should be supported with pillows while resting to make them feel more comfortable. 

What to Expect After a Brazilian Butt Lift Operation?

The Brazilian butt lift does not only change the look of the butt, but it also changes the look of the thighs, belly, waist, and hips. Because the fat that will be transferred into the buttocks is collected from different parts, thighs, waist, hips, etc. may look narrower and rounder. This helps the body to look more proportional and aesthetic. The desired look of the buttocks is usually achieved and the patient is generally pleased with the outcome. After the surgery, the buttocks may be swollen from two weeks to six weeks as the patient’s body recovers from the surgery. The patient should make sure that their weight doesn’t fluctuate so that the outcome of the operation is more positive and aesthetic.

How Much Does Brazilian Butt Lift Cost in Turkey

While only the operation costs about £2600 to £2900, a pack of treatment including anesthesia, operation, clinic stays, and aftercare may cost a patient about £3600. Health insurance does not cover a Brazilian butt lift because it is not directly about health. While choosing the clinic you will go under the operation, beware of the very cheap ones because the cheapness means low quality. Having an operation by inexperienced or sham people may even cause death.

Brazilian Butt Lift Shapes

The process of transfer of the purified fat may be customized according to the desire of the patient. Although very specific shapes may be preferred, there are some shapes that are generally preferred. These are:

  • ‘’O’’ Shape (Round)

Also known as ‘’Bubble Butt’’, the ‘’O’’ shaped butt is highly common among women. People with this shape usually have full hips and thick upper thighs. Patients with ‘’O’’ shaped butt usually prefer BBL for improving their natural back look.

  • ‘’A’’ Shape (Heart)

A heart shaped butt is widely preffered by women since it provides hourglass body type for slim waisted people. The heart shape is one of the most desired butt shapes also because of its natural but beautiful look. People with a heart shaped butt also prefer BBL to improve their naturally given look.

  • ‘’V’’ Shape (Inverted)

The ‘’V’’ shaped butt is also a widely common type. ‘’V’’ shaped butt type doesn’t have much volume on thighs instead, the abdominal area is bigger. People with ‘’V’’ shaped butt sometimes opt for a BBL to have thicker thighs.

  • ‘’H’’ Shape (Square)

The square shaped butt type is almost like a ‘’V’’ shape, except it is flatter. Also people with square shaped butt tend to have a fuller abdominal area just like people with ‘’V’’ shaped butt type. BBL candidates with a square shaped butt usually desire a heart shaped look in order for their abdominal area to look slimmer.

These shapes do not change any specific method in the surgery. They just change where the graftings will be applied to.

Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey – Before And After

Brazilian Butt Lift patients are highly satisfied with the outcome around the globe and especially in Turkey. Turkey has a unique plastic surgery sector thanks to its unique experts and highly experienced nurses. Turkey is highly preferred and recommended in its region. Both Middle-Easterns and Europeans prefer Turkey for their plastic surgery operations. There are also some experts that specialized in BBL.

Recovery After BBL

Brazilian butt lift is not highly dangerous and its recovery process is smoother in comparison with other plastic surgeries. The recovery usually takes three to six weeks in total. Depending on the patient’s body, the patient can start their job in one-three weeks and can lie on their back after three-four weeks. Infection is not usually encountered when the patient is taken care of correctly. The buttocks may be swollen for a few weeks after the operation but they will take their real shape after this period.

Beginning from the operation, a usual recovery timeline would be like this:

  • Pre-Operation (Preparation) takes generally 2-3 hours.
  • The surgery takes about 2-4 hours.
  • Returning to work may take 7 to 14 days after the surgery.
  • Total recovery may take 3 to 6 weeks. (usually 21-28 days)
  • Exercises can be done two months after the surgery.

FAQ About Brazilian Butt Lift

How long does it take to recover from BBL?

While it depends on various factors, it usually takes about 21 to 28 days for a full recovery. However, it may take up to 6 weeks (42 days) to fully recover in some cases.

How long does BBL Last?

While it highly depends on the case, it usually lasts several years. It may last from 6+ months to even decades depending on the quality of the procedure.

How Much Does Mommy Makeover Cost in Turkey?

Mommy Makeover is a term used for the combinations of surgical operations carried out after pregnancy to make the body look better and erase the effects of pregnancy. Mommy Makeover is not a one-size-fits-all progress and can vary in a number of ways in terms of procedures that are applied during the operation. Mommy makeover has widely been popular over the past decade and maintains its popularity. Mommy makeover is basically a combination of several plastic surgical operations. The procedure is widely performed in Turkey and there are a variety of choices in terms of prices, procedures, and clinics.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeover is a combination of several operations that help to improve the aesthetic and muscular structure of the body. The operations that are widely performed under mommy makeover are:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Buttock Augmentation
  • Liposuction
  • Arm Lift
  • Thigh Lift

These operations can be combined in different ways in a single surgery. The fundamental purpose of a mommy makeover is doing everything needed or desired in a single surgical operation.

Before You Decide…

Mommy makeover is a pretty delicate procedure and should be thought and revised carefully before deciding to have it. For this, you need to know every single procedure that can be or will be applied and why you do or don’t need it.

 Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as a boob job, is a surgical operation that aims to increase the size of the breasts. It is basically placing implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. These implants can vary in size and shape, as well as the material they are made of. Breast augmentation is not a solution for sagged breasts. This procedure can only be used to increase the volume of the breasts.

Breast Lift

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical operation that aims to make the breasts look more raised. This operation actually does not affect the size of the breasts, but it pretty much helps for a way better look. Breast lift is performed by removing loosened and excess skin, and tightening the tissues and the muscles around the breasts.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical operation that aims to remove excess breast fat, along with excess/loosened skin and glandular tissue. It is basically a combination of liposuction and breast lift, except for the methods used can differ in a number of ways.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical operation that aims to remove the excess skin and tighten the loosened muscles. around the abdomen. The operation is usually carried out under general anesthesia. The procedure basically contains opening an incision injunction line between the abdomen and thighs, stretching the skin by pulling it down, trimming the skin, and closing the incisions. There are two types of tummy tuck; full tummy tuck, and mini tummy tuck. While a full tummy tuck refers to both upper and lower parts of the belly button, a mini tummy tuck refers to only the lower part of the belly button.

Buttock Augmentation

Buttock augmentation, or gluteal augmentation, is the insertion of implants into the buttocks, or grafting fat into the buttocks, or sometimes a combination of these two procedures. The fat grafting procedure is also referred to as Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). Buttock augmentation is performed in order to increase the volume, roundness, and projection of the butt or correcting the unevenness between the buttocks.


Liposuction is a surgical operation that aims to remove fat from specific areas of the body. Traditional liposuction is performed by opening small incisions in the area, then inserting small tubes through these small incisions and collecting the fat into these tubes. Liposuction can be applied to areas such as hips, thighs, buttocks, love handles, etc. Liposuction is performed in a variety of methods and techniques. The most common of these techniques are vaser, laser, and tumescent liposuction.

Arm and Thigh Lift

Arm lift and thigh lift are two separate surgeries, but since the procedure is almost the same, these two operations can be examined under one title. The arm or thigh lift operation is carried out by opening incision lines, stretching and trimming the excess skin, removing the excess fat if needed, tightening the muscles, and closing the incisions.

How to Decide

Even after you decide on having a mommy makeover operation, it does not end there. You need to know which operations to prefer and the process after the operation. The most important thing while having a mommy makeover operation is to choose which procedures will be carried out. For this, you need to know some important things about procedures.

Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift

This might be the most important thing while deciding. Because if the right choice is not made, it will be a real pain in the future. First of all, you need to know the fundamentals of these two operations. As mentioned before, a breast augmentation aims to increase the volume of the breasts, while a breast lift aims for uplifted breasts. It is actually pretty easy to understand whether you need a breast augmentation or a breast lift. If your nipples face forward, it probably means that a breast lift is not necessary. If your nipples face down, then it means you may want to have a breast lift. If a patient with sagged breasts decides to have a breast augmentation, it usually results in more sagged breasts. You can also have both of these operations, a combination called breast augmentation with lift. 

You Probably Need a Full Tummy Tuck

While most people prefer mini tummy tuck, a big part of them decides on the wrong operation. An ideal candidate for a mini tummy tuck has excess skin on the only lower part of the abdomen whereas an ideal candidate for a full tummy tuck has excess skin on the whole abdomen. So if you decide wrong, you will probably need another operation to fix it.

Mommy Makeover Prices in Turkey

While prices of mommy makeover vary greatly because of the possible combinations, there are some stationary prices depending on solid procedures.

  • The price of a breast augmentation with a tummy tuck is £5200
  • A breast augmentation with lift and liposuction costs £5400
  • A tummy tuck, thigh lift and arm lift costs £6200

Mommy Makeover Recovery in Turkey

Recovery is a process you need to think about even before you decide on having a mommy makeover. Because you will probably have to look after your baby, you need to plan everything before the operation because the recovery process is hard and long in this operation. Since a mommy makeover is a combination of several different surgical operations, different combinations may require different time intervals but in general, it may take up to three months for a full recovery. The scars may cause several problems, for example, you cannot breastfeed for a while after a breast augmentation or lift. You will definitely need someone who can help with looking after the baby or the children because you will not be able to cope by yourself for a while. You should not exercise, lift heavy things or bend for at least four weeks after the operation. The recovery process is closely tracked by the experts and different techniques such as massages and medication are prescribed in Turkey. Almost 9 out of 10 people are happy with the outcome of mommy makeover operations done in Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mommy Makeover in Turkey

  • Which is the ideal time for mommy makeover?

The best time for this operation is 6 to 12 months after the birth. But it can be done after 12 months too.

  • Is mommy makeover risky?

It has some risks depending on the combinations but the probability of a problem that damages the health is very low.

  • Are the effects permanent?

It can be said that outcomes of almost every single procedure are permanent.

  • Why should I have the operation in Turkey?

Turkey is known for its advanced plastic surgery sector and it can be said that it is the heart of plastic surgery operations in the area. It is the most preferable place to have such an operation in both Middle East and Eastern Europe.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Turkey?

Liposuction is a surgical operation that aims to remove fat from specific areas of the body. Liposuction can be applied to areas such as hips, thighs, buttocks, love handles, etc. Liposuction should not be considered as a weight-loss method. It is rather an operation used to remove the cumulative fat in a specific area of the body. In other words, liposuction is not a suitable operation for weight loss, rather it is used to make a specific part of the body look more proportional.

Liposuction is usually applied to bodies that have an abnormal amount of fat in a specific area. If the patient is overweight, but the fat is effuse proportionally around the body, a diet or gastric bypass surgery is more suitable rather than liposuction surgery.

Liposuction is performed in a variety of techniques in Turkey. The sector is well experienced. There are clinics that specialized in liposuction and fat removal.

Liposuction Surgery in Turkey

Liposuction is usually applied when the fat in a specific area hasn’t responded to diet or exercise. Some of the common areas that liposuction is applied are the buttocks, chest, back, abdomen, upper arms, calves, hips, thighs, etc. Also, liposuction can be applied for breast reduction. Liposuction can be performed both under general and local anesthesia. Liposuction is a widely performed surgical operation in Turkey. It is usually performed in clinics and hospitals. Liposuction is performed in a variety of methods and techniques in Turkey. The most common of these techniques are vaser, laser, and smart liposuction.

How is Liposuction Performed?

In traditional liposuction surgery, after the pre-operation preparations, local or general anesthesia is applied. After anesthesia, small incisions are opened throughout the area that is going to be liposuctioned. Small tubes are inserted through these small incisions and fat is collected into them. Apart from traditional liposuction, there are several techniques that can be applied.

Liposuction Types in Turkey

Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction is a type of liposuction that breaks down fat cells and then loosens them from the patient’s deeper tissues for the treatment to be more effective. Vaser is an ultrasound method and it means vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. The fundamental of this method is sending strong ultrasound waves to fat cells to break them apart. Vaser liposuction is a widely preferred type of liposuction and it is both safe and more effective.

Laser Liposuction (Smart Lipo)

Laser liposuction is basically melting the fat under the skin with a device similar to Vaser devices. In Laser liposuction, the tip of the device is inserted under the skin just like a needle and this tip sends laser waves to melt down the fat. This process also may help the skin to get stretched resulting in an even better look. The temperature during the process is about 50 to 65 degrees Celcius.

Tumescent Liposuction in Turkey

In tumescent liposuction, a solution containing adrenaline is transferred into the body, limiting pain and bruising. Tumescent liposuction can be used to remove fat from almost every part of the body including breasts, stomach, back, thighs, buttocks, face, chin, neck, knees, ankles, and calves. The method is used to remove lipomas, or harmless fatty tumors as well as treating over sweating in the underarm. The method can be also used to reduce breast size. Along with resembling standard liposuction pretty much, the devices that are used in tumescent liposuction can be different. Tumescent liposuction is practiced widely in Turkey. It is safe and most of the patients that went under this operation are happy with the outcome.

Mega Liposuction in Turkey

Mega liposuction is a surgical operation in which high volumes of fat are removed from the body. Up to five litres of fat can be removed in a single operation and the operation can be done up to three times on a patient. Mega liposuction uses the traditional liposuction method. The operation may take up to five hours depending on the amount of fat that is removed. The process does not have any different risks than conventional liposuction. Mega liposuction is performed in Turkey and the placement rate of the outcome is very high.

Liposuction for Men in Turkey

As men have a thicker skin layer than women, it is easier to contour the skin for liposuction. However, the fat structure in men is different than in women. Since the fat in men is stored in fibrous tissue, it is harder to remove fat from men’s s body. But same techniques can be used for men to remove fat from the body. Men usually prefer different areas of the body for liposuction comparing to women, such as the neck, chest, abdomen, and love handles. Liposuction is usually more painful for men than women. But it is still safe and effective for both genders. Although women prefer liposuction more than men in Turkey, liposuction for men is still widely performed. Different techniques and different treatments can be applied.

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck, Which is Better

Although this is a very common question, these two processes are not used for the same purposes. Liposuction is basically the process in which the fat is removed from different parts of the body, which are not responding to diet and exercise. While, the tummy tuck is usually performed after excessive weight loss or pregnancy, for tightening the loosened skin and muscles. Both of these operations are not primarily performed for weight loss. And they generally can not be performed interchangeably. To conclude, a tummy tuck should be preferred after pregnancy or excessive weight loss, when the skin has sagged and muscles are loosened. While liposuction should be preferred for specific areas of the body which can not be changed via diet and exercise.

Liposuction with Fat Transfer in Turkey

Liposuction and fat transfer is a combined process in which the fat is collected from the body via tubes first and then purified, to be sent into another part of the body, usually buttocks, face, or breasts. Since the fat relocated into the desired part is collected from the same body, there is almost no possibility of rejection. When the fat is removed from the body, some of the fat cells may die. In order to cope with this problem, the diet-resistant cells can be separated for use. Liposuction with fat transfer is a common operation in Turkey. Although the most popular body parts are the buttocks and breasts, any desired part of the body can be used for this operation.

Liposuction Cost in Turkey

While the prices vary on a large scale, we can say that a traditional liposuction operation costs about £2900 to £3200. While a VASER liposuction costs about £3500. Liposuction with fat transfer can be performed at a price of £3800 in Turkey.

Liposuction Areas Diagram

The areas where liposuction can be applied are the neck, breasts, upper and lower abdomen, flanks, hips, outer and inner thighs, thigh fronts, lower leg front, ankles, upper/mid/lower back, upper and lower buttocks, thigh backs, and lower leg backs.

Liposuction in Love Handles Cost

Love handles are probably the most common area for liposuction. It is also easier for love handles to perform liposuction compared to other areas. The average price of love handles liposuction is about £1700.

Liposuction Recovery in Turkey

Immediately after the surgery, a compression garment is applied to liposuctioned areas. This both helps to obstruct bleeding and coping with pain. When the anesthesia wears off after a few hours, the patient usually starts to feel discomfort. The pain is usually moderate and the recovery process is generally fast compared to other operations. After 3 to 5 days, the garments are removed and the incisions are checked to see if they started healing. After a week, the patient can start working again and the recovery process is completed the following weeks. Usually, no pain is experienced in this time period. The patient is suggested not to lift heavy objects and do heavy exercises in the following few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

How much fat can be removed with liposuction?

With the help of mega liposuction, up to five litres of fat can be removed in a single operation.

  • How long does it take to recover from liposuction?

While the patient can carry on their normal life after a week, the total recovery takes up to 6 weeks.

  • Is liposuction permanent?

The results of the liposuction usually remain for a lifetime but an excessive amount of weight gain can prevent this.

  • How to massage lumps after liposuction?

A special technique called manual lymphatic drainage therapy can be prescribed by the doctor to cope with lumps.

  • Does the patient lose weight with liposuction?

No, the primary aim of liposuction is not weight loss. But since the body loses fat, the impact can be seen on weight.

  • What to expect 3 weeks after liposuction?

Usually, the lumps and bumps will have gone down and the final result can be seen. The patient can carry on with their daily life and the incisions will have started to recover.

  • Does insurance cover liposuction?

Liposuction is considered a plastic operation and thus, insurances do not regard liposuction as a medical necessity which means they do not cover liposuction.

Gastric Sleeve in Turkey

The Gastric Sleeve Surgery, also known as the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, is a bariatric treatment that involves the removal of 75-80% of the stomach. During the operation, a laparoscope is used by the surgeon to perform the operation through one or multiple tiny incisions in the abdomen, or stomach area. By removing a portion of the stomach, you may lower the size of your stomach and limit the quantity of food you can consume at once, allowing you to feel satisfied sooner. Over the course of two years, 70-80 per cent of extra weight is expected to be lost. The procedure has recently been the most popular bariatric operation around the globe. The number of gastric sleeve surgery has virtually doubled every year over the last decade. Gastric sleeve treatments now account for more than half of all bariatric surgeries performed worldwide.

Gastric Sleeve operation is a permanent surgery and it brings a number of profound changes to the patient’s life. Some of these are:

  • Overall advancement in quality of life
  • Adjusted, and healthier eating pattern with the help of a decrease in desire to eat
  • Adjustment in hunger sensation
  • Healthy loss of weight the following year of the surgery
  • Obesity-related health disorders such as diabetes mellitus type II, hypertension, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, joint discomfort, and hyperlipidemia remission or improvement

How Does The Gastric Surgery Work?

  • The stomach capacity is reduced, causing patients to feel full considerably faster following surgery.
  • People feel less hungry as a result of hormonal changes such as lower hunger hormone output.
  • After surgery, increased stomach motility helps food to flow through the stomach and intestine more quickly.

How Much Weight Can Be Lost With Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

  • People shed 60-70 per cent of their extra weight on average.
  • 10-20 pounds lost in the first two weeks; most patients lose one pound every day.
  • 35-45 per cent of extra weight reduction in the first three months
  • In the first six months, you should lose 50-60% of your extra weight.
  • 60-70 per cent of extra weight is lost in the first year.
  • 12-24 months following surgery, the majority of patients attain their lowest weight.
  • The success rate of the gastric sleeve is around 90 per cent.

Does Insurance Cover Bariatric Gastric Sleeve?

When you fulfill the following conditions, most insurance companies will pay for bariatric surgery:

  • BMI score higher than 40, or
  • BMI of 35 to 40 with one of the obesity-related conditions listed below:
  • Hypertension
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Fatty liver disease, or
  • Hyperlipidemia

Comparison Between Gastric Sleeve And Other Bariatric Surgeries

  • Laparoscopic gastric banding (Lap-band) was a common procedure in the past. However, because of the high likelihood of long-term problems and poor weight reduction, the number of lap-band procedures performed throughout the world has decreased year after year. At the current moment, most big academic Bariatric Surgery Centers seldom perform the Lap-band treatment.
  • The gold standard for bariatric surgery had been gastric bypass surgery in the past years. Due to its technological simplicity and lower long-term complication rates, the Gastric Sleeve has surpassed Gastric Bypass Surgery as the most popular bariatric surgery in recent years.

Detailed Comparison Of Gastric Sleeve And Gastric Bypass

  • The Gastric Sleeve is a lot easier procedure from a technical standpoint. Gastric sleeve surgery normally takes 40-70 minutes to perform, but gastric bypass surgery takes about 2-3 hours.
  • With the Gastric Sleeve treatment, there is a substantially decreased risk of nutritional or vitamin shortage. Furthermore, Gastric Sleeve patients do not experience mal-absorption.
  • Gastric bypass patients may experience long-term problems such as intestinal blockage, marginal ulcers, and internal hernias. Patients who have had a gastric sleeve have a very low likelihood of having these problems.

Possible Complications And Risks Of Gastric Sleeve

With the advancement of surgical procedures and physician expertise over the last decade, the gastric sleeve has become a generally safe bariatric surgical operation. Complications can still happen during and after surgery, though. The following are the most common problems and hazards associated with gastric sleeve surgery:

  • Bleeding

Bleeding is a possible complication of gastric sleeve operation, as it is in almost all other surgical operations.

  • Heart Burn

This is a hotly debated subject in bariatric surgery, with results from different centers being inconclusive. Most patients who had heartburn before surgery had their symptoms improve after surgery as a result of weight reduction, in our experience. Some individuals may experience new heartburn, which may usually be treated with over-the-counter anti-acid medicines.

  • Nutrient And Vitamin Deficiency

Nutrient and vitamin deficiency may occur due to poor and insufficient eating patterns.

  • Weight Regain

Slight weight increase after 1-2 years is usual with all bariatric surgeries, and roughly 10-20% of patients might experience severe weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery. Many clinics gathered data after 5 years of follow-up to indicate that the majority of patients can sustain their weight loss following gastric sleeve surgery.

  • Excess Skin

Excess and sagging skin masses may appear due to excessive weight loss. Some insurance companies may cover for the skin removal surgery.

  • Stenosis

Stenosis, or narrowing of the spinal canal, can put pressure on the spinal cord or the nerves that go from it to your muscles. Spinal stenosis can affect any section of your spine, but the lower back is the most frequent. The lumbar portion of your spine is what it’s called. This condition may cause lower back pain

  • Stricture

Scarring narrows the channel that conducts urine out of your body, causing urethral stricture (urethra). A stricture inhibits urine flow from the bladder and can result in a range of medical issues in the urinary system, such as irritation.

  • Internal Leakage

The possibility of digestive fluids and partially digested food seeping through an anastomosis is one of the risks of a gastric sleeve operation. After gastric bypass surgery, this is a significant problem. It’s possible that a leak will appear many weeks following surgery. The majority of them happen within a few days of surgery.

Recovery After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • The patient is usually required to rest in the clinic or hospital for one or two nights to make sure that there aren’t any complications.
  • The patient can usually walk a few hours after the surgery.
  • In general, post-surgery discomfort is readily controlled. The majority of patients use less pain medication than is suggested.
  • After 2-4 weeks, most patients are able to return to work or school. Due to the low calorie intake from the liquid diet, fatigue is prevalent during the first two weeks. During this stage of the diet, however, the majority of patients do not feel hungry. The soft diet is introduced roughly 2 weeks following surgery, and the energy level increases fast. After surgery, we occasionally enable patients to work from home for 2-3 days each week.
  • The patient can begin light exercising four to six weeks after the surgery.