A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical operation that is carried out in order to decrease the volume of the abdominal area. The operation is considered plastic surgery so most insurance companies do not cover the cost of the operation. The basic procedure of the operation involves removing the excess fat mass in the area and then trimming the excess skin and the tissue in order to improve the look. Basically, there are two types of tummy tuck.

Which are; full tummy tuck, and mini tummy tuck. While the full tummy tuck deals with both the upper and lower parts of the abdominal area, the mini tummy tuck only deals with the lower part of the abdominal area. Most tummy tuck candidates are intrigued by the fact that mini tummy tuck leaves a smaller scar and is easier to recover from. But the problem is, if not decided carefully to whether have a full or a mini tummy tuck,  the results are likely to be quite unsatisfying and insufficient.

So, before you decide whether to have a full or mini tummy tuck, you should know more about these procedures; how they are done, the difference in the results, and how to know which is best for you

Comparison of Abdominoplasty Methods

In Full Tummy Tuck:

  • Your surgeon removes the excess fat and skin in the area and stretches down the upper abdominal skin to cover the area. The surgeon also repairs damaged abdominal muscles, tightens the pubic area, and creates a new belly button.

In Mini Tummy Tuck:

  • Your surgeon removes the excess fat and an amount of skin, but different from the full tummy tuck, the surgeon only tightens the lower part of the abdominal area, which is below the belly button. Also, the surgery does not address the upper abdominal area and doesn’t repair the muscles and tissue in the area.

How to Decide?

Both the full and the mini tummy tuck come with their individual pros and cons. And before choosing the right one for you, you need to know more about the topic to make sure you made the right choice.

The Pros and Cons of Full Tummy Tuck

In general, the full tummy tuck is a much more efficient and comprehensive operation compared to the mini tummy tuck. It involves removing the excess fat and skin from the upper part of the abdominal area, repairing the damaged or broken off muscles, and creating a new more proportional, and accurate belly button. Although the recovery process is long and rather more painful, the results are much more satisfactory compared to the mini tummy tuck. However, the incision line is considerably longer, and the process leaves a much wider and bigger scar.

The Pros and Cons of Mini Tummy Tuck

Although the mini tummy tuck has a smaller area of effect and less efficiency, it is also easier to recover from and is the right choice if the candidate doesn’t have an excess amount of fat in the upper part of the abdominal area. The incision opened for a mini tummy tuck is six to twelve inches shorter than that of a full tummy tuck and the operation leaves a considerably shorter and narrower scar. The mini tummy tuck doesn’t usually involve repairing the damaged or broken apart muscles or tissues, and the belly button remains in its position during and after the surgery. The ideal candidate for a mini tummy tuck operation would have sagging skin and excess fat only in the lower abdominal area, below the belly button.

Full Tummy Tuck vs. Mini Tummy Tuck: Similarities and Differences

Full Tummy TuckMini Tummy Tuck
Six weeks of total recovery.Four to six weeks of total recovery.
Approximately 3,5 hours of surgery.2 to 3 hours of surgery.
$4500 Cost.$3700 Cost.
Deals with both upper and lower parts of the abdominal area.Deals with only the lower part of the abdominal area.
Replaces the belly button.Doesn’t make any changes to the belly button.
Repairs the damaged tissue and muscles.Doesn’t repair the damaged tissue and muscles.
More satisfying results.Smaller incisions and scars.

Frequently Asked Questions About Full Tummy Tuck vs. Mini Tummy Tuck

  • What kind of anesthesia is used during the operation?

The operation is usually done under general anesthesia.

  • How big my scars will be?

While a full tummy tuck leaves a scar that is 12 to 18 inches long scars, a mini tummy tuck usually leaves a 6 to 12 inches long scar.

  • How many post-operation appointments will there be?

The number of post-op appointments is usually between three and six. It is enough for most patients to see their doctor three times after the surgery.

  • What is a pubic lift?

Pubic lift is a surgical operation that is carried out in order to tighten the pubic area by liposucting the excess fat and trimming the excess skin. People usually need a pubic lift after pregnancy or extreme weight loss.

  • Can pubic lift done along with tummy tuck?

Yes, actually, we can say that full tummy tuck naturally includes a pubic lift. Most surgeons correct and tighten the pubic area while carrying out the full tummy tuck operation.

  • What procedures can be combined with a tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty can be combined with several operations such as breast reduction and sectional liposuction. It is also very common for tummy tuck to be a part of ‘’Mommy Makeover’’, in which a number of operations are combined and carried out in order to recover the look of the body after pregnancy.

  • What are the risks of having a tummy tuck surgery?

As in almost all other surgical operations, there are some risks of having a tummy tuck surgery. Some of these are, bleeding, flooding, infection, complications due to anesthesia, excessive pain, and bumps and swellings.