Through the last few decades, cosmetic surgeries have become more and more popular, and with this popularity, there came great advancements in the field. Breast augmentation has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures over time with these advancements and increasing popularity.

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that seeks to make the breasts larger. It entails inserting implants beneath or over the breast tissue or the chest muscles. Breast augmentation is performed for a variety of reasons, including correcting unequal breasts or compensating for a weight loss reduction. Breast augmentation is a procedure that may be performed in both hospitals and clinics. It’s a surgical procedure that can be done under general or local anaesthetic. Breast implantation is a common surgical procedure in Turkey.

One of the most common inquiries women have when considering breast augmentation is where the implants should be placed. Is it better to go over or beneath the muscle? Some women may already have a preconceived notion of what they consider to be the “correct” response. It is, nevertheless, critical to approach the procedure with an open mind. You might be surprised to learn which position is ideal for you and your body type.

In this article, we will be discussing and informing you about two main techniques of breast augmentation: over and under. These two terms mean the insertion of the implants over or under the breast tissue. This is an important consideration because it greatly affects the sensation in the area for the patient. Below, we will be explaining the ‘’over the muscle’’ and ‘’under the muscle’’ methods.

Over The Muscle Method

Over the muscle placement, also known as subglandular placement, refers to when implants are placed on top of the pectoralis major muscle and under the glandular breast tissue. This method is normally advised for women who have a good quantity of natural breast tissue, as the tissue covers and supports the implants. Achieving a result that seems organically improved rather than artificially inflated requires adequate implant coverage.

Placing implants above the chest muscle might make the process easier and the recuperation period shorter. In compared to individuals who had the implants implanted beneath the pectoralis major muscle, women who have this operation have less post-operative discomfort.

Subglandular implantation, on the other hand, has a somewhat higher risk of rippling, or apparent folds or wrinkles in the implant. Patients who are exceedingly thin or have little natural breast tissue are more prone to experience this.

  • This form of breast implant placement can yield breasts that are very natural appearing and will age well if you have a considerable amount of breast tissue, such as a B cup or bigger
  • Furthermore, you will often see your final results in a matter of weeks, and if your implant is entirely on top of the muscle, you will not feel muscular tightness or deformity when the muscle contracts during exercise or daily activities.
  • However, smooth implants may increase the likelihood of rippling if they are put over the muscle. Around 70% of instances occur in the upper and inner portions of the breasts, particularly in women who had smaller breasts to begin with and a slimmer form.
  • Additionally, it’s more probable that you’ll be able to view the upper margins of the implants as well.

Under The Muscle Method

Submuscular implants, also known as under the muscle implants, are implants that are put beneath the pectoral muscle. Because it is excellent for women who have minimal natural breast tissue, this operation is more popular. Because the majority of patients seeking breast augmentation do so because they lack this tissue naturally, this is frequently the suggested option.

Implants placed beneath the chest muscle provide additional covering and support without distorting the breast or giving it an unnatural appearance. A submuscular implant, on the other hand, necessitates a little more effort on the side of the surgeon than a subglandular implant. This is due to the fact that, as you may have guessed, they must move further into the breast and operate beneath the muscle. Your pectoral muscle will not be as disturbed in a subglandular surgery as it would be in a submuscular procedure. As a result, recuperation takes longer and is more painful.

Implant placement under the muscle is a bit more complicated than subglandular implantation, and it produces a little more post-operative pain. Another disadvantage is the risk of animation deformity, which is defined as a deformation of the implants caused by contraction of the chest muscle during exercise or certain everyday activities. Although the danger of animation deformation is minor, it should be taken into account.

It’s crucial to think about where the natural breasts are in respect to the muscle while inserting implants under the chest muscle. The muscle runs from the sternum to the shoulder and is found high on the chest. If the natural breasts have sagged and dropped below the chest muscle, because to age and/or breastfeeding, putting the implants behind the muscle is typically not a good idea, as it can make the implants seem abnormally high on the chest and somewhat deformed. Implants placed above the muscle are frequently preferred in this situation.

  • Rippling is less than 10% of the time when smooth implants are put under the muscle. If you have a slimmer frame, adding muscle mass to the top and inner portions of the implants will reduce the visibility of the implant’s visible borders, giving your breasts a more natural curvature.
  • However, results may take longer to appear, and your breasts may require many months to fully heal. It’s also crucial to remember that when you exercise or go about your everyday activities, your pec muscle will contract and flatten the implant, causing them to be pushed outward and your breast form to shift.
  • Also, you may see an indentation along the muscle’s border in certain situations, and if you have a considerable amount of breast tissue to begin with, you may develop a “waterfall deformity” as a result of sagging, especially if it is slack or more lax with time.