Breast Augmentation in Turkey at Clinic Excellent: Enhance Your Body and Boost Your Confidence

At Clinic Excellent, we understand that breast augmentation is a big decision and can be a life-changing procedure for many women. We know that you may have questions and concerns about the procedure, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. We specialize in breast augmentation surgery in Turkey, and our team of experienced and highly qualified surgeons is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and results.

Breast Augmentation

Procedure Details

Total Stay Duration
7 Days
Hospital Stay
1 Day
Procedure Duration
2-3 Hours
Anesthesia Type
General Anesthesia
Recovery Period
1-2 Weeks

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves the placement of breast implants to enhance the size, shape, and overall appearance of the breasts. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world, and for good reason. Breast augmentation can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted, boost your confidence, and improve your overall quality of life.

At Clinic Excellent, we offer a variety of breast implant options to meet your individual needs and preferences. Our team of experienced surgeons will work with you to choose the right implant size, shape, and texture to achieve the best possible results.

Cosmetic: To enhance the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts.
Reconstructive: To reconstruct the breasts generally after breast cancer surgery.

The decision to undergo a breast augmentation procedure can be for a variety of reasons.
Enhancing naturally small breasts or breast lifting after childbirth and breastfeeding can be among these reasons.

Breasts are considered to be an important element of a woman’s sexuality. Therefore, women get breast surgery to enhance their breasts and to improve self-esteem.
Every year, almost 2 million women worldwide get breast implants to increase the size and enhance their breasts’ shape and symmetry. Breast Implants are among the most commonly requested types of cosmetic surgeries worldwide.

Types of Breast Augmentation Techniques

Patients have a common question before the breast enhancement surgery is, ‘What will my scar look like?’ You’ll be glad to learn that an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon for breast augmentation will use a surgical technique that places breast augmentation incisions, so the resulting scars are easily hidden and inconspicuous, even to the patient herself.

Depending on your anatomy and your desired outcome, our surgeons will use one of the following incision techniques to place your breast implants. In your face to face consultation with your surgeon, you will be able to choose breast augmentation sizes. With that in mind, you may easily have the combination of Breast lift and augmentation

Why Choose Clinic Excellent for Breast Augmentation in Turkey?

Choosing the right surgeon and clinic for your breast augmentation procedure is crucial to ensuring a successful outcome. At Clinic Excellent, we pride ourselves on our reputation for excellence in breast augmentation surgery. Here are just a few reasons why you should choose us for your breast augmentation in Turkey:

  • Experienced Surgeons: Our team of surgeons is highly qualified and experienced in performing breast augmentation surgery. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure the best possible results.
  • Personalized Care: At Clinic Excellent, we believe that every patient is unique and deserves personalized care. We will work with you to understand your individual needs and goals and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve them.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology to ensure your comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout your entire experience with us.
  • Affordable Prices: We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality cosmetic surgery at an affordable price. That’s why we offer competitive prices without sacrificing the quality of care we provide.

There are typically three placement options: 

Subglandular placement: The implant is placed directly behind the mammary gland just in front of the muscle.
Submuscular placement: The implant is placed behind the chest muscle wall.
Subpectoral (Dual Plane): This technique requires placing the implant under the pectoralis major muscle.

What to Expect During the Breast Augmentation Procedure?

The breast augmentation procedure typically takes about 1-2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision either in the crease under the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit. The implant is then placed either behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle, depending on the desired outcome.

After the procedure, you will be given medication to help manage any pain or discomfort. You will need to wear a special supportive bra for a few weeks to ensure proper healing and support. You should avoid any strenuous activity for at least 4-6 weeks after the procedure to allow your body to heal properly.


At Clinic Excellent, we understand that breast augmentation is a big decision and can be overwhelming. Our team of experienced surgeons is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and results. We offer a variety of breast implant options to meet your individual needs and preferences, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure your satisfaction. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving the body you’ve always wanted.

Scarless Breast Augmentation

This method also referred to as trans axillary, involves a small incision made within the armpit, through which the surgeon will place the breast implant using a specialized camera and instruments to ensure optimal placement. This leaves a small scar within the armpit but achieves a breast augmentation with no scar on the breast itself.

What is the difference between a round & shaped breast implant?

Round Implant

Any type of implant can add volume to the breast, but circular implants add volume to both the lower and upper parts of the breast. Without an implant, this high breast region, known as the ‘upper pole,’ does not usually have much projection.

Anatomical/Teardrop/Gummy Bear Implant

Teardrop-shaped implants also called Gummy Bear breast Augmentation offer women a more contoured look that is more similar to a natural breast augmentation with less volume up top and more at the base. Nowadays there is a high demand for teardrop breast augmentation.

Fat transfer Breast Augmentation Turkey

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer 

Fat transfer breast enlargement Turkey is an implant-free breast augmentation surgery provided as an outpatient procedure in Turkey that is minimally invasive and has a high success rate.

It is a fully normal breast enhancement procedure that uses the patient’s own fat—no fillers are used. Fat transfer breast augmentation is perfect for new moms who want to regain the volume of their breasts, which usually deflate following delivery, while still getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat with liposuction Turkey

Breast implant replacement in Turkey

Some plastic surgery Istanbul doctors propose an implant swap of fat grafting to the breast to fix problems such as capsular contracture, small tissues, or noticeable rippling to give the breasts a natural appearance and conceal the implant casing.

Since there is no implant positioning involved with the operation, the fat transfer breast augmentation cost is less than conventional breast implant surgery.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure, typically performed using general anaesthesia. You can expect to walk around on your own a few hours after surgery, and most patients feel up to leaving the house within the next day or two.

You may feel sore and have sharp pain after breast augmentation the first week, and you will need to limit strenuous exercise for about 2-4 weeks. Your surgeon will also ask you to wear a supportive surgical bra or sports bra for a certain period after breast augmentation. It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s breast augmentation recovery tips to ensure you heal optimally.

If your breast implants are placed partially beneath the pectoral muscle, the preferred method in most cases is that your breasts may seem to sit high on the chest at first. This is normal, and your implants will settle into their optimal position over the next several weeks, with final results after a couple of months.

Once you have your breast implants, you’ll want to keep the following in mind:

It’s safe to have mammograms with breast implants, so maintain regular screening as prescribed by your doctor.
Future pregnancies or weight fluctuations may affect your results, and you may need a second surgery to correct any changes you are unhappy with over time. Nothing can stop the normal ageing process; breast tissue will change over time. You can help prevent unnecessary sagging by wearing a bra with adequate support for your activity level.

Pregnancy after Breast Implants In Turkey

It is a known fact that women experience hormonal and physical changes while on the pregnancy period. Most women also have enlarged breasts during gestation and postpartum, apart from their enlarging abdominal area. For women with breast implants, these changes can raise many questions:

Will I still be able to breastfeed?

In contrast to what many women are afraid of, breast implants do not change your ability to breastfeed if the breast implants are inserted under the gland and through an incision beneath the breast or the axilla area. The implant is inserted and located under the breast tissue and often under the pectoralis muscle, far away from milk ducts.

How will my breast Implants look like after my pregnancy and nursing period?

During pregnancy, women experience changes in the size and shape of their breasts, regardless of whether they have undergone breast augmentation. During your pregnancy period, pregnancy will usually change the overlay of your breast tissue but the implants will remain the same.

Saline vs Silicone Implants in Turkey

Paper or plastic? Tea or coffee? Chocolate or vanilla? We are usually getting across with either/or questions in life, and when it comes to a discussion related to breast implants, there is a more frequently asked question ‘silicone or saline?’

Each type of implant has an excellent safety record, comes in various sizes, and, in the hands of an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, can achieve a beautiful, natural-looking breast augmentation. Your choice of breast implant type will be consulted with our plastic surgeons and discussed after a thorough evaluation to guide you before the procedure begins.

Both types of Saline and Silicone breast implants types have an outer silicone shell, however; the implants types differ in terms of the filler Both saline and silicone breast implants have an outer silicone shell; however, the implant types differ in filler consistency and material.

Saline Breast Implants:

Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater. In the beginning, they are inserted empty and afterwards filled once they are in their place.

Silicone Breast Implants:

On the other hand, silicone breast implants are already loaded with silicone gel, and it is a thick, sticky fluid that nearly precisely mimics the sense of human fat.

International plastic surgery statistics estimate that approximately 80% of women choose silicone implants. We always offer our options to our guests and make them evaluate the pros and cons of both implant types; most favour the soft, natural sense and view of the silicone type. Both implant types (saline and silicone) are FDA approved for breast augmentation operations.

Breast Implants Cost Turkey

If you are considering breast enlargement abroad, the expense is a significant concern. Because of the lower cost of living in Turkey and the high exchange rate of the Dollar to the Turkish lira, breast enlargement prices Turkey are highly competitive therefore breast augmentation age limit is 18 here in Turkey.  In addition, breast implants Turkey price vary according to many factors such as clinic, surgeon and location.

Of course, the complexity of the surgery also plays a role in determining the breast implants Turkey price. The slower and more complex the process, the more money you would have to spend.

Fortunately, we have a special offer of breast enlargement Turkey packages with the best breast augmentation surgeons that provide flights, hotel stays, a patient host, and an interpreter. Contact us to learn more.

Breast Augmentation Before and After

Here is a few examples of breast augmentation or as known as the breast implants procedure, please click our before and after gallery to see more results.